The much maligned Senator John McCain

Perhaps the best line of questioning during the Senate Oversight Committee’s discussion of former FBI Director, James Comey came from Senator John McCain.


Few people respect him, he is often the butt of jokes and deservedly so.

This site has very little respect for him as well.

That being said, when he went mano a mano with Comey, he kicked spiked the ball in the end zone on Comey’s dishonest head.


Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., was the last member of the Senate Intelligence Committee to question former FBI director James B. Comey at Thursday’s dramatic hearing.

Nearing the end of more than 2 1/2 hours of questioning, McCain focused his line of questioning on two FBI investigations: the 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server and the 2017 investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election.



Nearing the end of more than 2 1/2 hours of questioning, McCain focused his line of questioning on two FBI investigations: the 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server and the 2017 investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election.

“In the case of Hillary Clinton, you made the statement that there wasn’t enough evidence to bring a suit against her, although it had been very careless in their behavior, but you did reach a conclusion in that case that it was not necessary to further pursue her,” McCain’s line of questioning began.



“Yet at the same time, in the case of Mr. (Trump), you said that there was not enough information to make a conclusion.

Tell me the difference between your conclusion as far as former Secretary Clinton is concerned, and Mr. Trump.”

“Yet at the same time, in the case of Mr. (Trump), you said that there was not enough information to make a conclusion.

Tell me the difference between your conclusion as far as former Secretary Clinton is concerned, and Mr. Trump.”

Comey answered that the Clinton email investigation was a completed, closed investigation at the time he announced that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring a case against her last July, while the Russia investigation is still underway and could be for some time.

But McCain wasn’t satisfied.

He seemed to be arguing that Comey exonerated Clinton, in a sense, but left an investigation looming over President Trump, setting a double standard.

Comey again tried to explain that he only discussed the findings of the Clinton investigation after it was completed.





About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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5 Responses to The much maligned Senator John McCain

  1. malenurseken says:

    Its just totally unbelievable already. The lawlessness in the govt . and DEMS get away with it. There are different standards for repubs than for dems


    • JCscuba says:

      The Dems won’t be getting away with anything Ken other than sinking their moribund party. Trump has done nothing of substance wrong. Thanks, J.C.


      • malenurseken says:

        Oh I know Trump hasnt. But DEMS have. And never prosecuted is all im saying. They persue rumors and lies hoping they find something. Look at Obumma and Hitlary. Evidence. And all dismissed! Its sickening. Yea I know they hurting their own party! BUT that isnt justice! For those already known who got away!


      • malenurseken says:

        their party already sunk! BUT prosecutions are STILL MIN order for justice to be done


  2. GG says:

    John McCain will always be the poster boy for term limits. Hes nothing but a Cockroach in a suit………..Certified Commitized…

    Liked by 1 person

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