Electoral College Doomsday: Liberals Go Full Frontal CRAZY to Stop Trump

crew-2231211Left-wing websites and commentators relentlessly remind anyone who’s still listening that Trump’s electors are not “required” to vote for Trump. 


Time Magazine recently published a law professor’s unhinged screed  that the electors have an “obligation to the Constitution and the country” to be turncoat and vote against Trump, thereupon “our nation will be proud of their courage, their sense of responsibility, and their integrity.” (Source)




GOP electors will not suddenly and en masse lose their minds and vote against their mandate. 

To do so would be regarded by many as a coup, a treasonous perversion of the Constitution. 

More likely, though, even faithless elector efforts would probably be futile, as each state’s secretary of state must certify their state’s vote, and could simply refuse to do so.

In case the reader missed it, here is a perfect example of the left’s thinking!



Like most everything the left attempts, it will be a cluster fuck and they will fail again.

California’s very own “Can you call me senator,” Barbara Boxer has introduced legislation to eliminate the electoral college. (Source)


It’s an Astroturf Extravaganza.

Powerful leftwing groups are pursuing an aggressive campaign of harassment and intimidation against Donald Trump’s electors as we approach the Monday, December 19 electoral college date when the President is formally chosen. 

Electors are being harassed, intimidated, and in some instances threatened with death, to coerce them to change their votes.

Petitions are brimming with names of disaffected lunatics.

 Self-monikered “Hamilton Electors” concocted a delusional plan that urges Democrat electors to vote for Romney as a way to persuade enough GOP electors to switch from Trump to Romney and elect a guy the Left despised just four years ago.

Leftist groups are organizing Astroturfed protests at each state capitol where electors will meet to vote on December 19, ironically billed as “The Day to Defend Democracy”.

What they believe is presented by the delusional leftist in the video immediately below.


Meaning what?  Monday will come.
A bunch of ginned up protests will get disproportionate coverage by the Leftwing Media.
The same Media will breathlessly “await the election results” (the upside being to watch them relive their horror of November 8).  And, Trump will be formally elected. 
Then, we will all re-focus on Christmas and New Year’s Eve and forget the entire affair.Will it have been a waste of time?  Objectively and historically yes. 

But not in the cancerous minds of the Far Left. 

Their seething, deranged hatred at Trump over Hillary’s defeat will not diminish or go away.

See the entire article below.


What we see on Monday likely will be dwarfed by what we see at Trump’s inauguration on January 20.  The Far Left is in this for the long haul, folks.  Russia conspiracies, recounts, hysterical outbursts at each Trump Cabinet pick, paid-for post-election riots, threatened impeachment – these are all crass efforts to delegitimize the United States government.

The Left lost the election, lost in the White House, lost in the Senate, lost in the House, lost in the state houses. It now perceives itself as having one option left:  Burn The Place Down.

Which explains the riots, the unhinged hysteria, the exploding heads, the unrelenting rage.

The Left no longer has the desire, much less the ability, to affect policy change.  It can only destroy and sabotage at this point.

Which explains the riots, the unhinged hysteria, the exploding heads, the unrelenting rage.  The Left no longer has the desire, much less the ability, to affect policy change.  It can only destroy and sabotage at this point.

Monday will come and go.  Trump will be elected.  On January 20 he will be inaugurated and move into the White House, and life will go on.  In the meantime, and for the next four years, expect behavior of the worst kind from the exiled miscreants of the Left.

On January 20 he will be inaugurated and move into the White House, and life will go on.

In the meantime, and for the next four years, expect behavior of the worst kind from the exiled miscreants of the Left.


About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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3 Responses to Electoral College Doomsday: Liberals Go Full Frontal CRAZY to Stop Trump

  1. Just Simply Linda says:

    I am telling you JC, there will be a civil war of the highest form if this happens and they succeed. People are fed up…not that I wish for a civil war, but I am just saying what the word is here. sigh


  2. Dave the Differentiat says:

    Because of his very clear actions we KNOW that Obama is a black racist. So many examples exist.

    Now we learn that the oh so tolerant Liberals are anything but tolerant!

    America made its collective voice heard in the 2016 election. To defy the masses to the encourage the wrath of the masses.

    Once again we see Obama leading a divisive movement to separate Americans from their FREEDOM!

    The record is now being corrected as to who was “FIXING” the election – HILLARY and the Democrats.

    The record is now being corrected to show clearly that Obama was a foreigner who should have been disqualified as to being President.

    America is going to re-learn that the Military is in place to protect them from tyranny. The Military takes an oath the support and defend the U. S. Constitution. Each and every immigrant is required to take this Oath to become a citizen.

    The U. S. Constitution, the Oath and the Law of the Land

    The value of a written constitution is beyond measure. Words have meaning, and those meanings may be known. They are not open to arbitrary and unilateral interpretation or redefinition by those who would modify the constitution to meet their whims. The words and the intended scope of the government was clearly established by those who framed the Constitution. There is an established and constitutional method for modifying the Constitution if it becomes necessary to do so. That process is defined in Article V of the U.S. Constitution. There is no other way to legally modify it. Until it is modified legally (by the method defined within Article V of the Constitution), the United States Constitution is obligatory upon all.

    The requirement to agree under oath to uphold the Constitution is an unequivocal requirement to holding office. The oath of a new citizen is specific in the commitment to uphold the Constitution. The Constitution is the “supreme Law of the Land” for all citizens. Can the words of the Constitution have any other meaning than the common meanings which were well known at the time of its writing?

    The United States Constitution, Article VI declares the Constitution is the “supreme law of the land,” and reinforces the requirement that judges are bound by it: “This Constitution…shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

    The United States Constitution is The Charter of the Nation. It defines the framework of the government it establishes. It delegates authority to act in specific areas. It establishes the boundaries within which our national government may act. It is not a grant of unlimited power to act with unrestricted discretion. The primary purpose of our Constitution is to protect the people in their God-given unalienable rights.

    The OATH simply requires all Congressmen, Supreme Court Justices and the President and new immigrants to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    Thank you VOTERS and GOD for Donald Trump!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Electoral College video edited perfectly into a pro-Trump video: Funny the first time funnier now |

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