Hacker Exposes George Soros Connection to Hillary and Thousands of Open Society Foundations Files Dumped

crew-2231211For those who have followed the evil doings of Gyorgi Soros, the 87 year old billionaire, it’s absolutely no surprise that he gave orders to Hillary when she was Secretary of State.


images-24Soros’ dark side was show when he was just a young boy in a 60 minutes interview “The happiest days of my life interview,”where he told their audience the pleasure he received is stripping away pieces of wealth, gold, diamonds etc. from Jews headed to Nazi concentration camps and the gas chambers.

Soros was street smart at a very young age shrugging of his escapades as shaping his future abilities to prognosticate future events with information from the day with some serious rationalization, i.e. “If I didn’t do it, somebody else would.”

Soros and his sons are pure evil and the only thing that could be more disastrous for the U.S. would be an out in the open relationship between himself and the evil one, Hillary Clinton.



He has wants and warrants issued on him by Vladimir Putin and Interpol for currency manipulation for corning the marked on the British Pound Sterling and Thailand’s currency, the Thai baht. (Source)

It’s difficult to conjure what has kept him from being captured as he is a frequent resident of Katonah, New York. (Source)

The Daily Caller
By Peter Hasson,
August 16, 2016

More than 2,500 files from the organizations run by billionaire George Soros have been leaked by hackers on the DC Leaks webpage just waiting to be combed through.

On Saturday, DC Leaks published hundreds of internal documents from the multiple departments of Soros controlled organizations, primarily from the Open Society Foundation, making available for the first time to the public the inner-workings of the mysterious world of the Hungarian billionaire who is often accused of manipulating elections and sewing dissent in order to reap profit on the markets.

The files are grouped into sections based on geographic area with a separate listing for World Bank and the “President’s Office” documents with the leaked files extending from the period of 2008 to 2016.
The documents detail work plans and strategies of Soros including reports on European elections, migration and asylum in Europe.

The 2,576 files were released on DCLeaks, a website which claims to be “launched by the American”Hactivist.” who respect and appreciate freedom of speech, human rights and government of the people.”

sorosquote2This added to the massive amount of intelligence gathered by Julian Assange, CEO and founder of Wikileaks.

US security have already begun blaming Russian hackers for the leaks in keeping with the current trend initiated by the Hillary Clinton campaign in the wake of the DNC email leak when the former Secretary of State’s staffers scrambled to distract from the disturbing revelations of electoral malfeasance through coordination of Hillary’s campaign, the DNC, and the media.

The revelations about Soros follow a document released by WikiLeaks earlier this week showing Soros gave Hillary Clinton explicit instructions during her turn as Secretary of State on how to attend to the unrest in Albania.

Despite the potential conflict of interest by the billionaire hedge fund manager who invests heavily in foreign currencies, Secretary Clinton accepted and followed the advice.

Soros’ Open Society Foundations provide funding to many organizations including the International Consortium for Investigative Journalists which was in the spotlight earlier this year after the release of the Panama Papers featuring millions of records showing how the world’s wealthiest use tax havens.



About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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1 Response to Hacker Exposes George Soros Connection to Hillary and Thousands of Open Society Foundations Files Dumped

  1. Dave the Differentiator says:

    The current “HOT” Issue is the rampant CORRUPTION of government in the World.

    Soros has brought massive corruption to America with his corrupt manipulation of the global economy.

    Hillary, similar to Obama, is nothing more than a pawn in the global picture.

    Hillary and Obama have been very clumsy with their actions and orders and will be taking the fall for the Puppet Master – Soros.

    Soros uses the entire global financial market to manipulate various aspects of the financial markets to achieve his goal – not clear just what his actual goal might be. Complete control of the entire plant is what Soros goal appears to be to me. Just exactly why is not clear.

    BUT, back to Hillary. Hillary has managed to completely fumble the ball in her actions as has Obama. These two people have violated so many laws that they should be exposed and punished.

    NOW, enter the “Whistle Blowers” who have discovered the evidence and hate the actions of all three of these criminals.

    SO, as the election here in America approaches I anticipate more and more LEAKS of various documents to prove the criminal actions of Hillary which will include Obama and Bill Clinton.

    These three people must be very concerned for their health!

    Obama, as a homosexual Muslim, has to look over his shoulder since he is in direct violation of Sharia Law.

    Soros, even with his multi Billions, will be confronted by a self-righteous assassin.

    Hillary appear to have so many medical problems that she will die from her illnesses.

    IMO none of these three will be celebrating the New Year on Dec 31!


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