SICK TALK WEEKENDS FOR REST? Is she or isn’t she? Medical Insiders are quite concerned

crew-2231211This is a break through article as members of her own team are seriously concerned about the woman who has taken to man swan dives into empty pools.
A 2012 fall sparked rumors about the former secretary of state’s physical fitness.
 She didn’t need to jump they still shoot horses don’t they?
This story has finally got legs.
It would seem they would come to her aid with stories true or false to help her.

Try has she could to hide her medical records, the have already been released.
It is now incumbent upon her concerned medical handlers to step in and tell her it’s time to drop out.
No matter how delusional, no matter the size of the ego, is being the next president so important that a sane person would consider the likelihood of dying in office or on the campaign trail?
Time will tell, time will tell indeed.


The usual pimps and hos in Hillary’s media would do well to cover this story.
Instead they have chosen to be dupes and non singing members of “Sargent Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.


U.S. News and World Report

By Susan Milligan Staff Writer

Aug. 15, 2016

Hillary’s Health: Conspiracy or Concern?

blshtHillary Clinton’s doctor said she’s in “excellent” health, but critics continue to question her ability to serve as president. (Steve Pope/Getty Images)

Hillary Clinton has been traversing the country, making speeches, raising money and launching very serious criticisms against Republican Donald Trump as she mounts a typically exhausting presidential general election campaign.

The response of Hillary-phobes? Clearly, she must be sick.

Fox News, the Drudge Report, and a slew of conservative or conspiracy-theory themed sites on the internet are raising questions about Clinton’s medical fitness to be president, pointing ominously to scenes of Clinton tripping on a stair, laughing (“inappropriately,” one suspicious doctor says), hesitating in the middle of a sentence in a speech or having an unidentified man stand close to her despite not looking like a Secret Service agent.

The problem, of course, is that none of the deeply concerned observers has actually examined Clinton, whose personal physician last year released a statement calling the former secretary of state in “excellent health and fit to serve as president of the United States.”

But that hasn’t stopped a somewhat stealth campaign to disqualify Clinton for the job by calling into question whether she can actually do the day-to-day job.

Fox’s Sean Hannity dedicated an entire week to the matter, pointing to an exchange with reporters in which Clinton, Hannity said, did a “twitching thing,” followed by a “violent, violent, repetitive jerking of the head.”

So jarred by the behavior, the Fox host said, Associated Press reporter Lisa Lerer “got scared” and pulled back.

Lerer, in both her Twitter feed and a first-person explanation, says she was not the slightest bit scared (and that Fox didn’t bother to ask her if she was).

Another photo shows the 69-year-old Clinton being assisted after apparently slipping on a step – “the latest evidence,” the site warns, of Clinton’s frailty or instability.

Problem is, that photo is not recent; it was taken in February. (Which is more evidence she was not fit to be campaigning back the,)

Dr. Ben Carson, a former GOP presidential candidate himself, wouldn’t declare Clinton’s behavior proof of any specific ailment but did note that “as a person gets older, the number of medical conditions that we have to watch for increases,” and that Clinton should reveal her full medical records. (Which she refuses to do)

Jane M. Orient, a medical doctor and executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a group opposing President Barack Obama’s health care reforms and other Democratic-leaning policies, is convinced Clinton has something wrong with her.

“A lot of people have remarked about some of the oddities in the speeches she has given,” Orient says.

And what about that man – the one with the “African-sounding name” as identified by “people on the internet?”

That man appears to be a neurologist, Orient says, acknowledging that she does not know if the Internet ID of the man is accurate.

But “he looks like someone very concerned about the candidate,” Orient says and has “been seen carrying something” Orient believes may be some kind of medical device.

Please see the entire article below.



Dr. Art Caplan, head of medical ethics at the New York University School of Medicine, is horrified at the arms-length diagnoses and speculation – whether its Trump opponents wondering aloud if the bombastic nominee has narcissistic personality disorder or whether Clinton has brain damage.

“I think it’s morally pernicious and irresponsible to diagnose anyone for anything you haven’t examined personally. It is unprofessional. It is pointless. And it gives a false impression that somehow medicine is a version of psychic power – you can do it from a distance,” Caplan says. “I think it’s just wrong, flat out utterly wrong, to do it,” he adds.

Where does the sick talk come from? Clinton fell in December of 2012 – the result of dehydration from the flu, her doctor, Lisa Bardack, says – and suffered a concussion. Bardack declared the candidate completely recovered from the incident but notes that Clinton still takes a daily anti-coagulation drug as a precaution.

Skeptics are, well, skeptical.

“She took a long time to recover from a concussion. She could have residual brain damage as many people with that history have,” Orient warns. During Clinton’s 11 hours of testimony before Congress on the Benghazi matter – an episode Clinton’s backers point to as an example of her physical endurance – Clinton laughed at length and inappropriately, Orient says, suggesting she was not quite right.

Orient says she can’t make a diagnosis without examining Clinton but would do so if the former globe-trotting cabinet member were her patient. And Orient says it’s not the same as suspecting Trump of being clinically narcissistic, since that diagnosis is based on things Trump says that some people don’t like, she adds.

Trump himself has raised questions about Clinton’s vigor, repeatedly claiming Clinton went home to sleep after giving a speech.

His own physician, Harold N. Bornstein, released a statement with fewer clinical details than those Bardack provided about Clinton but insisting that Trump would be “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”

That assessment draws some skepticism from Caplan and others who note the 70-year-old Trump eats fried foods and does not appear to follow a regular exercise routine (as George W. Bush and Barack Obama have).

The only thing that will resolve the matter, Caplan says, is an independent board of doctors who can examine presidential candidates and their running mates and deliver impartial conclusions.

“It’s not that there isn’t a real issue of health risks of candidates, and no one is saying you should have to pass a physical to run,” Caplan says.

But “it would be nice to have independent information beyond their own doctors or witch doctors who are assessing the health of candidates on television and pronouncing diagnoses.”




About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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12 Responses to SICK TALK WEEKENDS FOR REST? Is she or isn’t she? Medical Insiders are quite concerned

  1. Paula says:

    I don’t think anyone has ever accused hillary of being sane…I also believe she wanted to be president when bill was. I have no idea what an overly ambitious murderer would be called, besides psycho. Whatever it is..that’s hillary.


  2. upaces88 says:

    To Paula, and JC…I suspect that while in public before a crowd of people, she will have a stroke and have to be taken to a hospital.

    She has no business even running for office at all!


    • JCscuba says:

      I don’t doubt that a bit, she seems to get confused when facing crowds. I wrote an article earlier that she’s doing controlled radio interviews, with no audience questions.


  3. Rifleman III says:

    Reblogged this on and commented:
    Ironic, that so many decades of evil perpetrated for quest for power, and now that she is on the actual approach for the presidency, she crashes and burns. God works, in many mysterious and marvelous ways.

    Liked by 2 people

    • JCscuba says:

      Indeed he does, had no idea he was into politics, I guess he is anti slavery because that’s the way the Clinton/Soros globalist agenda would take us.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. upaces88 says:

    I felt absolutely delighted when I read your comment!!


  5. bunkerville says:

    If she couldn’t make the 5:00pm phone call regarding an Ambassador about to be murdered, how could she ever take a 3 am phone call. As Huma stated in an email, Hillary often gets confused.


  6. Dave the Differentiator says:


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