Dr. Ben Carson’s “A More Perfect Union” Could not be more timely written

crew-2231211Unfortunately our elected official don’t realize the urgency of providing for the common defense.


It’s no secret that I was a big Ben Carson fan before he dropped out of the primaries.



It was my hope he would have picked Carly Fiorina as his working running mate.

This may well have been the “Republican Dream Team,” with both race and gender being taken away from the attack dogs in the media and the phonies running Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.


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She would have been very busy looking for duplicate mission statements, and making recommendations for defunding many of them while outsourcing as many jobs possible that were actually needed to the private sector.

Perhaps among Dr. Carson’s writing is his take on the need for an armed militia made up of ordinary citizens to keep a despotic government at bay.

The”Supreme powers,” cannot enforce unjust laws with the sword when the citizenry is well armed.

True to  Noah Webster’s observation American citizens have been armed for hundreds of years and for hundreds of years they have been free. (Source)

In “A More Perfect Union:” What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Constitutional Liberties, Dr. Ben Carson provides his readers with a clear and simple explanation of the principles and text of the U.S. Constitution.

He believes that many people in our nation, government officials and voters alike, lack a fundamental understanding of our founding documents.

As a result, our constitutional liberties are being compromised and often ignored.

Carson is an accomplished neurosurgeon and a leader in his field in several respects, not the least of which is being the first doctor to successfully separate conjoined twins.

As with any profession involving advanced training, the price of specialization is facing skepticism as an authority in areas outside one’s domain of formal training.

Carson writes, “There are many today who think that doctors should stick to medicine and cannot possibly know anything about any other area of life.” Carson clearly disagrees, seeing as he is a doctor running who President of the United States.

Starting with the Preamble and moving the through each of the Articles and Amendments, Carson unpacks the meaning of each section of the Constitution while sharing his views on important issues, including: freedom of speech and religion, the definition of marriage, Second Amendment rights, government spending, and more.

He provides a perspective which will be unique to some readers as the son of a single-parent mother, he was raised in poverty, and his views of justice and freedom were shaped by early childhood experiences.



Of course Dr. Ben would have had his own them song: (Smooth Operator by Sade, (Source)

He shares how his view of freedom has developed, what values that his mother imparted have remained the same, and how life events have formed and matured his views on controversial topics.

Carson writes at a time when prior elected experience has made candidates and elected officials very suspect in the eyes of the citizenry.

Perhaps his perceived weakness is his greatest strength: America wants a leader who is devoid of vapid political-speak and ready to champion the liberties of people outside the “Political Corridor.”

As a champion of freedom who has demonstrated ability to serve others in various roles, Carson may have been better suited to understand our country’s constitutional crisis than those who have unwittingly shaped it.   

There have been other presidential hopefuls who have practiced medicine, and demonstrating a solid understanding of the U.S. Constitution has made some of these a more viable choice for an elected office.

Carson writes, “Our founding fathers didn’t want a permanent governing class of professional politicians.

They wanted a republic…” Fortunately for America, he stands in a line of accomplished men and women outside of politics who are willing to fight for freedom.   

Perhaps previous debates about the power of the pen and the sword should be revised to determine the comparative might of the mind and the scalpel.

As Carson quips in the book, “Five doctors had signed the Declaration of Independence, and as highly educated individuals they were deeply involved in local and national affairs during the early days of our nation.” (Source)

See the entire article below.


The Chicago Tribune

Cass Sunstein.

Cass Sunstein served in different positions as “Regulation Czar, and Internet Communications Czar for Obama, he failed at both positions and went back to academia, where those who can’t do well.

So far as I know, no neurosurgeon has ever written a book about the U.S. Constitution.



But then again, no neurosurgeon has ever made a serious run for the presidency.

Combining personal graciousness and plain exposition with some wild right-wing clichés, Ben Carson’s new volume, “A More Perfect Union:

What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Constitutional Liberties,” tells us a lot about the sources of his appeal. Like the man himself, the book is not what you might expect.

Carson is unmistakably outraged by the direction where the U. S. has headed.

“Our nation,” he writes, “is in such shambles that it seems that almost anyone could do a better job of execution than the current leaders.”

It would have been easy for him to take the well-trodden path of those who share that view.

Some popular books on the Constitution tell a terrifying tale of betrayal, in which Democrats (and President Barack Obama in particular) have run roughshod over the framers’ handiwork in order to create a kind of empire.

Carson has clear sympathy for that account, but his approach is far more measured and less polemical. His main goal is education and exposition, not conversion. Much of the book consists of simple summary.

Curious about the 13th Amendment? It “ended slavery and involuntary servitude in the United States and all its territories.” (True.)

Interested in the 22nd Amendment? “After Roosevelt’s death, Americans worried that he had set a bad precedent, and Congress proposed a term-limit amendment.”

(Essentially right.) The qualifications for president? You have to “be a natural-born citizen, be at least thirty-five years old, and have been a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years.” (Right again.)



About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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3 Responses to Dr. Ben Carson’s “A More Perfect Union” Could not be more timely written

  1. cebyrnes says:

    Thank you for sharing this little treasure. A More Perfect Union makes the Constitution come alive.
    Smooth Operator, definitely the theme song!


  2. Dave the Differentiator says:

    The “drift” away from the Constitution stared with the “New Deal” by FDR.

    The Depression was greatly extended by the stupid econ0omic policies of FDR and his administration. FDR expanded government so far beyond the Constitution that America has never recovered.

    NOW, the Democrats create a new incident or crisis every m0oth to facilitate new more extreme controls and regulations.

    This corruption needs to stop – Obama and Hillary need to be held accountable for their criminal acts.


    • JCscuba says:

      Well said amigo, FDR’s leftist failed policies extended the depression for at least seven years. Can you imagine what it will be like after Oingo Boingo and the hundreds of millions of people who wanted to work dropping out of the work force.


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