In The event you missed it: President Trump’s CPAC Presentation: Transcript included

By Jim Campbell

February 28th, 2021

President Trump gave a barn burner of a speech at CPAC this afternoon.

He didn’t spend as much time on his administrations past accomplishments.

When he did it was in contrast to the abject failure of Biden’s first two months.

Biden is the great pretender and little else.

Trump challenged Biden to get children back to school.

Trump also blasted the RINO’S within the party and suggest that they be removed from office using primary challenges.

The President got off message when he went into a rant about how the election was stolen.

He made no serious or promises that he would run in 2024, yet he certainly didn’t rule it out.

He spent a great deal of time discussing exactly who woeful the Biden administration is dead set on destroying America.

One thing is certain, he exposed Joe Biden for the complete fraud that he is.

Biden no longer will be able to get bye with a Swiss Cheese mind, Biden’s positions are evil and not in the interest of all Americans.

Apparently he and his lemming like followers don’t understand that Biden’s poisonous agenda will effect Democrats as well.

In the event you don’t desire to hear a 2+hour presentation it can quickly be read easily from the transcript below.

President Donald Trump called for a military buildup, criticized the media and reiterated his campaign calls to repeal the Affordable Care Act and build a wall on the Mexican border in a speech to grassroots conservatives on Friday.

Speaking at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference outside Washington, D.C., Trump repeated many of his applause lines from the campaign trail, even bashing former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, which sparked a brief chant of “lock her up!” from the crowd.

“I love this place. I love you people,” he told the audience. “I wouldn’t miss a chance to talk to my friends. These are my friends.”

Read a complete transcript of Trump’s remarks below:

See the entire article below a the transcript of the president’s speech below.

About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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28 Responses to In The event you missed it: President Trump’s CPAC Presentation: Transcript included

  1. malenurseken says:

    I got a kick out of it when the people started yelling “WE LOVE YOU”


  2. Reblogged this on The way I see things … and commented:
    My man

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dajjal says:

    Reblogged at Freedom Ain’t Free with this comment: Do not neglect the most important part of this speech: HR-1! If it is not defeated, all is lost, the ‘crats will be cedmented in tyrannical power forever. Use to tell your representative and senators to vote against the For The People Act if they want your vote.


    • JCscuba says:

      I don’t recall that President Trump mentioned HR-1 in his CPAC presentation. Do you have a link for it?


      • Dajjal says:

        Ain’t read the transcript, it is the section on election integrity.


      • JCscuba says:

        It’s his entire speech and can be read in about 5-7 minutes.


      • Dajjal says:

        I can not speed read anymore. I can’t find it in the transcript with a search.


      • JCscuba says:

        It’s on the page Ben, follow the direction an go to the next page. It’s there. Takes about 5-7 minutes to read.


      • Dajjal says:

        I downloaeded the transcript and saved it in an html file to make it easier to search. I just can not find what I want in it, do not recall the right key words.


      • JCscuba says:

        Give me a call and tell me what you are looking, for, I can find it. 949-854-4788


      • Dajjal says:

        I can not find what I seek. I can not type worth shit, large fingers, sensitive keys and I can not see the extra characters. Kompozer does not have fuzzy search. I do not have the html help compiler any more and that is too much work to go to anyhow.
        I found vote but nothing relevant, Not found: election, fraud, integrity and mail. I swear i heard him mention it, but I also heard other speakers and may have confused them.


    • JCscuba says:

      Ben, isn’t it already in play in blue state schools? I will require taking back the White House and at least The U.S. Senate to make it happen.


      • Dajjal says:

        Brainwashing has been ongoing for decades. It can not be stopped in the short term. This week, the House ‘crats will pass “For the People Act” that will implement on line and automatic registration and outlaw voter ID. It will implement mass mail voting nation wide. There will never be another free election.

        Those with ‘crat reps. must tell them HELL NO!!! Same in the senate.


      • JCscuba says:

        One by one Democrat “Law makers need to be kneecapped to find out how left the really are.


      • Dajjal says:

        Violence is no solution, it would only had them the victim card which they would play repeatedly. Each of them must have one articulate, aggressive and well financed general election opponent. The party in power usually loses seats in its first mid terms.


      • JCscuba says:

        Makes sense, there will be a time when violence will be needed.


  4. Dajjal says:

    Something is very damn wrong, Jim!!! I pulled up the ABC news story and selected a direct quote,. I searched yer transcript for one word from that quote: rigged and there is one iteration, relating to Berrtnie.
    The link:
    The quote: “This election was rigged, and the Supreme Court and other courts didn’t want to do anything about it,”

    I tried CNN, too.
    “(T)ens of millions of ballots. Where are they coming from? They’re coming from all over the place.” He then claimed that “dead people are voting.”

    I searched for dead, one iteration, not in that quote!!

    Next I tried Newsweek
    there were three iterations of dead, incvluding this:
    ballots are indiscriminately pouring in from all over the country, tens of millions of ballots, where are they coming from? They’re coming all over the place. We’re illegal aliens and dead people are voting, and many other horrible things are happening that are too voluminous to even mention. But people know. I mean it’s being studied and the level of dishonesty is not to be believed.

    Now do you believe me>


    • JCscuba says:

      Try listening to it rather than reading it.You have had eye issues since we have been communicating, Nes Pa?


      • Dajjal says:

        Vision problems ain’t the limit. I use Profoundsound C# with the geq carefully adjusted ahead of amplified speakers and Signia Run SP aids. Ilistened to the whole speech and knew blessed well that he had mentioned the act. He said that Republicans have little time to stop it. He told about the election fraud.


      • JCscuba says:

        Ben. I take your word for it. I hope you aren’t going completely blind. Is there any surgery available for you?


      • Dajjal says:

        Opthalmologist recommended seeing a cornea specialist but i will put that off as long as possible. There was a year of Lucentis injections for DME, but the distortion remains in the right eye, The left is clouded by corneal occusion. Nuthin they can do about dry eye syndrome. Refresh Optive Advanced is not doing ‘muff now.


      • JCscuba says:

        God Bless you my friend. I will add you to my Prayer Chain, something will come up for you. J.C.


      • Dajjal says:

        Thanks, friend!!


      • JCscuba says:



      • JCscuba says:

        Modern medicine is constantly coming up with new therapies. You can go on the Website NIH.Gov and see if there are any studies going on in your area. Your own Dr.can treat you, all he has to do is just contact the HIH.


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