UPDATE: Crisis Management Firms In Washington Do All The Dirty Work To Keep The Powerful In Power

It may just be Hollywood or other locations where programming is written and performed.


It seems quite logical that writers of these programs get their ideas someplace, why not from the biggest cesspool and swamp of our collective lifetimes?



The next time you read about some wacky, unsolved murder of someone in Washington, just remember that the person or people who wind up dead were people who got too close to revealing things that the people in power want to stay secret.


Seth Rich, Andrew Breitbart, Chandra Levy, and the 60 people in the Clinton Dead Pool found this out the hard way.

Breitbart’s death may or may not have been murder.

We will likely never know since the coroner who performed the autopsy died of apparent poisoning. (Source)

They disappeared when somebody called “the fixer”.

Crisis management, indeed.

Netflix show ‘Scandal’, based on the illustrious career of legendary crisis management expert Judy Smith, shows her firm as noble “gladiators in suits” helping to right wrongs and solve problems.

The “good guys”, right?
Maybe, just don’t forget that a key member of the ‘Scandal’ staff is Huck, computer expert and contract killer.

Crisis management firms in Washington take care of everything from the pregnant staffer of a married congressman, squelching the rumors that could stop reelection of a favorite senator, to organizing campaigns for an up-and-coming candidate.

But they also “plug the leaks” by plugging the leakers by any means necessary.

What do the deaths of Seth Rich, Andrew Breitbart and Tom Clancy have in common?


New evidence emerges showing Seth Rich was murdered at the command of DNC operatives for leaking E-mails,  (Source)


They were all murdered for revealing information about the political power-players in DC that the players greatly desired to have stay hidden.

How were these murders carried out? Somebody called a crisis management firm and paid for the hit to be carried out, just like the Mafia.

Hit shows on Netflix like ‘House Of Cards‘ and ‘Scandal‘ expose in drama form the seamy underbelly of real life in our nation’s capital.

Both shows draw heavily from actual events, and multiple Washington insiders have told me that ‘Scandal’ is more like a documentary than a made-for-television drama.

The show is based on the real life and career of Judy Smith, who owns the crisis management firm Smith and Company in Washington, DC.

Watching a few episodes of ‘Scandal’ makes for some very compelling binge-watching, but knowing the actual life events those shows are based on makes your jaw drop.

Yes, it may only be television, but where do you think many of the ideas of its writers originate?


See the entire article below.


Conspiracy is real and it’s Washington’s main export

Let’s take a look at the deaths of the 3 people we mentioned at the top of this article, and see how crisis management “resolved” the situations that made things too hot in the Beltway.

  • SETH RICH: Type the words “the murder of seth rich” into Google and 90% of the first page of results are stories in the fake news media telling you not to believe any of the “conspiracy theory” about how Seth Rich died. Hmm. About that murder. The official narrative is that Rich was killed in a “robbery gone bad”, except they didn’t take his keys, wallet, money or cell phone. Not much of a robbery, eh? So why was Seth Rich killed? Well, as it turns out, Rich was the main leaker of the Podesta emails to WikiLeaks. Those emails played a huge part in Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump. When it was discovered that Rich was the leaker, it created an enormous crisis for the DNC. As bad as the emails were that Rich leaked, he was killed to prevent the release of the really bad ones. Like the ones that would prove the existence of the pedophile sex-trafficking ring in Washington, just for starters.
  • ANDREW BREITBART: On March 1, 2012, Breitbart founder Andrew Breitbart made a blockbuster announcement. He said that he had in his possession video tape so stunning that it would completely ruin any chance Barack Obama had of being reelected president. Later that evening, as he walked out of a neighborhood bar after enjoying a glass of wine, Andrew Breitbart fell to the ground in what would later be termed a “heart attack”. Never mind that he was only 43 with no history of heart disease. Never mind that the only witness to see Breitbart fall to the ground, Christopher Lasseter, suddenly disappeared shortly after Breitbart’s death. Who killed Andrew? Just ask Bon Jovi…”shot through the heart, and who’s to blame?…” Just not with a bullet. Another crisis “managed” successfully. And what about those video tapes Breitbart said would “stop the re-election of  Obama?” Trusty puppet Glenn Beck released them a short time later, and guess what? Nothing so bad there at all, just some quirky college video of a young Obama doing some community organizing. Imagine that.
  • TOM CLANCY: When Tom Clancy wrote The Hunt for Red October, he was met at the door by Pentagon officials and FBI agents demanding to know where he got top-secret documents. Dr. Jim Garrow states that after the incident, the CIA “spoon fed” him classified information and scenarios to write his novels in a manner that was entertaining but contained elements of truth. Garrow says that is why Clancy was killed because he was getting too close to a secret they don’t want the world to know. Clancy died due to “unknown causes” that to this day remain unknown. This information was revealed to me personally on our radio show from October 6, 2013, where former alphabet agent Jim Garrow lifted the lid on his 40 year career in the government as an operative.

Crisis management firms in Washington take care of everything from the pregnant staffer of a married congressman, squelching the rumors that could stop reelection of a favorite senator, to organizing campaigns for an up-and-coming candidate. But they also “plug the leaks” by plugging the leakers by any means necessary.

In 2001, staffer to California congressman Gary Condit Chandra Levy went missing. In 2002, Levy’s body was found in DC’s Rock Creek Park. Chandra Levy was not killed because she was having a sexual affair with the married congressman. If that was the case, there would be no staffers left in Washington. Levy was killed when, in the process of having the affair, she learned information that she was not supposed to have, and the only way to ensure her silence was to ensure her death. One quick call to a crisis management firm got the job done.


In closing, think about this. Netflix show ‘Scandal’, based on the illustrious career of legendary crisis management expert Judy Smith, shows her firm as noble “gladiators in suits” helping to right wrongs and solve problems. The “good guys”, right? Maybe, just don’t forget that a key member of the ‘Scandal’ staff is Huck, computer expert and contract killer.

As I write this, I am watching Scandal Season 2, episode 4, and since the first episode Huck has already killed two people and help to conspire to have others killed as well. Olivia Pope may be one of the “good guys”, but she doesn’t hesitate to use Huck’s black-ops B613 training to kill people manage crises as they arise. How close is the Olivia Pope character to real-life Judy Smith and Company? Smith herself says the show is based on her real-life management company. The fictional Olivia Pope doesn’t treat her friends so well, everyone is expendable in pursuit of “solving the problem”, and she spends part of nearly episode crying after she sells them out. Hmm…but I digress.






About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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2 Responses to UPDATE: Crisis Management Firms In Washington Do All The Dirty Work To Keep The Powerful In Power

  1. GG says:

    I must say as little as I watch tv, I do like Scandal! one recent name on the Deep State “hit” list missing here is Justice Antoine Scalia..
    Who doesn’t think he was whacked by the Swamp Weasels?
    The Presstitute Media whores don’t touch on the
    mysterious murders.. The brevity of reporting on Scalia, along with the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death, scream, “Foul Play!” Same with the glaring circumstances of Seth Rich murder… and too many others.. I imagine there are quite a few we never know about as well..
    Only online does the dirty laundry
    of the Swamp creatures ever get aired out… Who was it that said, “Proxy Highlight
    May 22, 2012 … Barack Obama: ‘The only people that don’t want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide.” … This video will be a classic as it has demonstrated just how hypocritical Barack Hussein Obama has been during his …


    • JCscuba says:

      I like it to GG, I watched the season finale, on my DVR last evening. I don’t think they just make the scripts up completely. Thanks for the comment. xoxo ME


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