Bill Whittle: A different kind of reporting’ to take on ‘ a malignant presidency’

When was the last time Bernstein, of “Watergate fame,” come up with anything of substance.


CNN Wonders why President Trump laughs at them and calls them fake news, do we need a better example?


Once called the Clinton News Network like a bottle of fine wine it took time to mature. (In this case, it was swill)

“Who is Hillary Clinton?” (Source)


Bill Whittle rocks the house below.



Here’s a tip for those employed by CNN.

Don’t walk, run as fast as you can, faster than a scalded dog and get away from them.

But then again who else will deem him relevant?


The Washington Examiner

By Daniel Chaitin

Jul 1, 2017


Carl Bernstein is calling on journalists to commit to a “different kind of reporting” in response to a “malignant presidency” unlike any the country has seen before.

“We’re in foreign territory,” Bernstein said Friday on CNN’s “New Day.”

He added, “We have never been in a malignant presidency like this before. It calls on our leaders, it calls on our journalists to do a different kind of reporting, a different kind of dealing with this presidency and the president.”




 Carl Bernstein is calling on journalists to commit to a “different kind of reporting” in response to a “malignant presidency” unlike any the country has seen before.
“We’re in foreign territory,” Bernstein said Friday on CNN’s “New Day.”He added,
“We have never been in a malignant presidency like this before.
It calls on our leaders, it calls on our journalists to do a different kind of reporting, a different kind of dealing with this presidency and the president.

“Bernstein, best known for his investigative reporting that shed light on the Watergate scandal leading to President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974, has previously said Trump’s attacks on the press are more treacherous than Nixon’s.

Recently Trump has ramped up his criticism of certain outlets and journalists, including MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.

On Saturday he continued that feud and also took shots at MSNBC and CNN.”

I think something much greater is happening, and that is that we are in the midst of a malignant presidency,” Bernstein said Friday

He added that leaders in the military, intelligence community, and the Republican leadership know of the “malignancy” and has them “worried.”

“They are worried about his character.

They are worried about his capabilities.

They are worried about his temperament and state of his temperament, to use kind words here,” he said.

No, Carl, those who give a damn are worried about yours!

Bernstein interviewed more than 200 people for the book, published in 2007 and 2008, and his findings seem as relevant today as they were when she was running her first campaign for the White House eight years ago.




About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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6 Responses to Bill Whittle: A different kind of reporting’ to take on ‘ a malignant presidency’

  1. Pamela says:

    Oh, please spare us with your pathetic hypocrisy, Mr. Bernstein! Your call for a ‘different kind of reporting to take on a ‘malignant presidency’ is totally ridiculous,especially in the wake of the wasteful and disastrous administrations of sleaze king Bill Clinton and radical queer activist/Muslim apologist Barack Obama!
    Donald Trump might not be the best President of the United States, but, he is the first real leader we have had in the White House in a long, long, time! Furthermore, he has done more in the past six months than that gruesome twosome did in all their sixteen (eight for both) years!


  2. sally says:



  3. Dave the Differentiator says:

    Interesting to watch Bill Whittle and his factual based expose for the Fake News of the MSM and then watch the bias of Bernstein and his fake rant that Trump is not effective.

    The actual facts support Trump on each and every issue.

    Immigration is a cancer that needs to be stopped and right now. Illegal immigrants are CRIMINALS – no other possibility.

    Terrorist immigrants from Radical Islamic Nations do not belong here in America demanding Sharia Law.

    ObamaCare is a complete and utter disaster and failure. Many States have gone broke or are about to go broke. Free Medical Benefits are not an answer to anything wrong with the medical industry in America.

    So some people die, isn’t that just natural selection.. Organic medicine.

    Take a look around at the population – no exercise and obese. See a problem with that? Drink beer and eat hamburgers with cheese and extra fries. See anything wrong that.

    So, will ObamaCare fix the problem ? No it will not!


  4. Dave the Differentiator says:

    For those who haven’t been keeping score, here are some of Trump’s accomplishments thus far. Rather impressive….

    Defeated Hillary Clinton in the Presidential election
    Withdrawal Paris
    Fed land sequestration review
    Sunni alliance
    Dun NATO deadbeats
    Pared budget proposal
    Curtail overseas funding pre born killing
    Ramped up immigration enforcement
    Revival free market energy policy
    Significant regulatory rollbacks (2 out for every 1 in)
    working on private investment in infrastructure projects (toll roads and border wall, etc.)
    encouraging young to seeks training in trades rather than useless degrees in college
    restoring respect and support for law enforcement
    restoring military capability (ended Obama’s sequestration)
    facilitating sale of US manufactured goods to foreign governments (Saudi deal, etc.)
    making needed adjustments to trade pacts (Wilbur Ross initiatives)
    initiating privatization of various government functions (air traffic controllers, etc.)
    shit-kicking ISIS rather than pussyfooting
    changing the culture at the UN
    most experienced and probably best cabinet ever
    reverse Obama give away to communist military dictatorship in Cuba
    EO issued on religious freedom (preaching from the pulpit)
    Reverse Obama EO on threatening to pull funds for schools that allow transgender to pick their bathrooms
    Within first 100 days signed 13 bills that reverse various Obama-era regulations. 28 bills in total
    Stopped wasting taxpayer money by ending payments to government scientist studying Y2K preparedness
    Helped defeat Democrat challengers in all post inauguration Congressional special elections (at half the cost Dems spent)
    Approved the Keystone XL pipeline.
    Targeted MS13 gang members for priority deportation.
    VA Accountability bill signed
    Kate’s Law passed House
    Crack down on sanctuary cities legislation passed House
    Supreme Court upholding travel ban from terror hotbed countries
    Reduced illegal southern border crossings
    Initiated study of voter fraud – Dem Governors are refusing to cooperate


    • JCscuba says:

      Dave, this is so good, it should go as a stand alone article from you. You up for it? I’ll do the work and sourcing. Thanks. Jim.


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