Sean Spicer Was Right To Compare Assad With Hitler

Sean Spicer, the Trump Administration’s Press Secretary suggested that comparing Hitler with Assad sent the leftist media into a dither yesterday.


Why? Because he was correct.

 Assad, by comparison, would likely be considered far worse than Hitler if his actions were left unchecked. 

There is no way to contemplate how many more of his citizens he would have murdered.

The Nazi death gas so horrific even Hitler feared using it: How Sarin was accidentally created in 1938… and can lead to death in less than 10 seconds.
The cloud that brought such devastation to the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun had no smell and affected even those who came into contact with the dead, indicating it was sarin gas, a chemical compound developed by the Nazis and 26 times more deadly than cyanide.

Medical charity Medicins Sans Frontieres said its doctors treated victims with dilated pupils, muscle spasms and involuntary defecation – symptoms ‘consistent with exposure to neurotoxic agents such as sarin’. 

The World Health Organisation said the victims appeared to have been exposed to a ‘nerve agent.’

The symptoms all point to sarin – the chemical weapon accidentally created in 1938 by German scientists working on insecticides.

The chemist in charge of the project initially thought he had failed, because the compound he had created was too deadly to animal and human life to use in agriculture. But that is exactly what appealed to Adolf Hitler, whose weapons division took over the project.

Hitler was so pleased with his new weapon, he named it ‘sarin’ after the scientists who discovered it – Gerhard Schrader, Otto Ambros, Gerhard Ritter, and Hans-Jürgen von der Linde. (Source)


By contrast, The brand of Zyklon-B used by the Nazis contained substances which gave the pellets a blue appearance and left blue stains inside gas chambers which can still be seen today in chambers that were left intact.

During the killing process, prisoners at Auschwitz and other killing centers were forced into the air-tight chambers that had been disguised by the Nazis to look like shower rooms.


The Zyklon pellets were then dumped into the chambers via special air shafts or openings in the ceiling.

The pellets would then vaporize, giving off a noticeable bitter almond odor.

Upon being breathed in, the vapors combined with red blood cells, depriving the human body of vital oxygen, causing unconsciousness, and then death through oxygen starvation. 

A stockpile of Zyklon-B poison gas pellets found at Majdanek death camp in 1944




See the entire article below.







About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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8 Responses to Sean Spicer Was Right To Compare Assad With Hitler

  1. Pingback: Sean Spicer Was Right To Compare Assad With Hitler | zooforyou

  2. drartaud says:

    The main point missing is proof of Assad’s guilt. Even if guilty, had the Syrian army under Assad killed an equal number of men, women, and children with conventional weapons, would that be OK? If not, is it OK for African nations to commit genocide without U.S. intervention?, they do. This entire thing stinks. The part of the equation missing? Those darn Syrian Christians. Please, please, remember the Christians.

    Article: Trump Betrays His Supporters And Syria’s Christians, Goes All In To Support Islamic Terrorists, The Neocon Swamp, And Its Evil Agenda

    This attack by President Trump is an act of outright betrayal….he made a promise that he would not worsen the situation with Syria. Now he has turned against this promise and acted even more aggressively than Obama has.

    Trump had his chance, and he threw it in the faces of those who voted for him, choosing instead to follow in the necon path of war that Obama, Bush, and Clinton followed before him.

    ……First (and to me, the most obvious) question: Why on earth would Asad decide now, of all times, to do a horrible attack against his own people?

    …..If you look back at our archives, you will see that President Asad’s government has done almost NOTHING in comparison to that which ISIS has committed, and when he has acted, he has done so against ISIS members.

    President Asad is a figure who unites rather than divides Syria. Christians, Muslims, and pagans alike in Syria supported and continue to support him because while he is a Muslim, he has stood alongside all of the diverse groups in Syria and tried to keep them together. Except for Russia, he has done far more than the US or other Western Governments at actually helping the Syrian people in their time of need.

    Image: Assad with Wife and Christians

    Article: Ann Coulter: Trump’s Syria Strike ‘Very Strange

    Video: Ann Couter: Trump airstrike on Syria very strange

    “And yet, it’s a very hard explain the Syrian attack,” she continued. “And it’s certainly not a vital national security interest. We generally don’t, at least conservatives don’t, rushing around the world for humanitarian reasons. And for that region of the world, Assad is one of the better leaders. There are probably only one or two better than he. He’s not even like a Saddam Hussain murderous thug. He helped us after 9/11, giving us intelligence. It’s a very strange thing we’ve done here. And I feel like it’s such a departure from what Trump said on the campaign trail. And in 2013 on his Twitter feed.”

    Mind you, I’m not justifying the use of chemical weapons in Syria, but I don’t believe Assad had anything to do with it. By the U.S. attacking the govt of Syria, Trump is aiding and abetting the terrorists, no one, except in a few articles found on Conservative Read, and a few other places, even mentions the Syrian Christians and how they’ll suffer with Assad’s demise, and I have yet to see the slightest proof that Assad had anything to do with it, in fact, Trump’s possibly foolish actions may cause terrorists to release the agent on civilian populations so they can blame Assad to bring about more attacks.

    I think the chemical weapons attack occurred similar to that described below, but a caveat, is this really a journalist? It’s suspicious that a journalist’s name can’t be found anywhere on the internet, so this may be more of the same propaganda we get from both sides.

    Exclusive: British journalist destroys MSM lies on Syria

    A more trustworthy expression of concern

    EXCLUSIVE: Michael Savage Begs Trump To Stop WWIII


    • JCscuba says:

      Even if he’s guilty? He’d done it before. Appreciate your effort with your comments. Thanks, J.C.


      • JCscuba says:

        “Mind you, I’m not justifying the use of chemical weapons in Syria, but I don’t believe Assad had anything to do with it. By the U.S. attacking the govt of Syria, Trump is aiding and abetting the terrorists, no one, except in a few articles found on Conservative Read, and a few other places, even mentions the Syrian Christians and how they’ll suffer with Assad’s demise, and I have yet to see the slightest proof that Assad had anything to do with it, in fact, Trump’s possibly foolish actions may cause terrorists to release the agent on civilian populations so they can blame Assad to bring about more attacks.
        Earth to my friend: Islam has been at war with the west long before Trump

        I think the chemical weapons attack occurred similar to that described below, but a caveat, is this really a journalist? It’s suspicious that a journalist’s name can’t be found anywhere on the internet, so this may be more of the same propaganda we get from both sides. ( You think this happened? the video and images don’t work for you? As far as the media going AWOL is that surprising? We can agree to disagree on this one. Thanks again.


      • drartaud says:

        Genocide in Africa. America mute.

        Muslims want part of Serbia, oil pipeline to go across, U.S. bombs WWII ally, splits off Kosovo for muslims, get pipeline and ignore Christians killed by muslims in Kosovo.

        Genocide in Africa, America mute.

        Wants pipeline across Syria, funds terrorists, calls them rebels, rebels slaughter Christians in ways unimaginable, U.S. OK with that, want pipeline. U.S. OK with rebels using chemical weapons, U.S. OK with rebels allying with isis, U.S. OK with destroying the seat of Christianity, as long as U.S. gets pipeline. U.S. killed 350,000+ citizens in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Dresden Germany, but that was different. Imagine the kids burnt to a cinder, imagine the kids that died of radiation poisoning, blind, deaf, from the blasts in Japan. The only reason we care about Syria is the stupid pipeline, that’s all. You didn’t address the Christians, no one does.

        Genocides in Africa, the U.S. could care less, no pipelines.


      • JCscuba says:

        Bomb the pipeline, we don’t need their oil, let them starve, or let the Saudi’s other good-natured neighbors in the area pick up the tab.

        Liked by 1 person

      • drartaud says:

        That’s the spirit.


      • JCscuba says:



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