NOT SATIRE: Obama Says Hillary Not ‘Treated Fairly’ by Media

crew-2231211For astute political analysis with his usual comedic twist, Steven Crowder delivers once again.


Let’s be clear, listening to this political nonsense has become boring, yet when delivered his way, it’s well worth the reader’s time.

Crowder is a wordsmith extraordinaire.



Louder with Crowder

Steve Crowder

December 18, 2016




To Barack Obama:

If it weren’t for eight solid years of suckage, I’d almost be sad to see you go.

You did have your comedic moments, even if you were the presidential equivalent of a malignant tumor.

Don’t let your looming unemployment status get you down, though.

You’ve got a bright future ahead of you.

Perhaps try your hand at accidental comedy. 



If the mom-jeans model gig doesn’t pan out.

Don’t let your looming unemployment status get you down, though.

You’ve got a bright future ahead of you. Perhaps try your hand at accidental comedy.

You’ve got a bright future ahead of you


Because that joke you made about Hillary Clinton getting trashed by the media was pure comic gold…


Honest question: what news networks were you watching this past election cycle?

Because the media I watched bent themselves into positions not even permissible in the kama sutra in trying to make the She-demon relatable.



Paul Newman, R.I.P “Slap Shot”

Let’s be honest. The media pushed the notion that Trump was a white supremacist, racist, sexist and a radical homophobe.

Because the media I watched bent themselves into positions not even permissible in the kama sutra in trying to make the She-demon relatable.

They were all in on ways to make that 69-year-old look like a cookie-shilling grandma, not a 69-year-old spawn of Satan.

Oh sure, they failed. You can put lipstick on a pig and it’s still a pig (remember saying that about Sarah Palin?).

Maybe next time make it Sriracha, not generic hot sauce in Hillary’s purse.

They were all in on ways to make that 69-year-old look like a cookie-shilling grandma, not a 69-year-old spawn of Satan.

Oh sure, they failed. You can put lipstick on a pig and it’s still a pig (remember saying that about Sarah Palin?). Maybe next time make it Sriracha, not generic hot sauce in Hillary’s purse.

If they had reported in a fair and balanced manner, Hillary would have easily landed herself in the big house.

Not the one you’re thinking of, though.

Their office spaces are 8×10, not oval. Orange pantsuits are aplenty. Bonus: the residents are hulking lesbians eager to get a little lady-love action on.

Bonus: the residents are hulking lesbians eager to get a little lady-love action on.

Didn’t matter.

The American people saw past what the media was attempting at selling Hillary as anything other than corruption personified, and pulled the lever for the orange-haired tycoon.

Not because the media was “unfair,” but because Hillary is a horrendous human being less suited to run the White House, more suited to run the seventh level of hell. Her pantsuited flying she-monkeys like Dunham and Schumer could round out her fiery cabinet of miserable lady demons.

Hey, if the pantsuits fit…



About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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3 Responses to NOT SATIRE: Obama Says Hillary Not ‘Treated Fairly’ by Media

  1. Dave the Differentiat says:

    So, the MSM lies continue – gosh What a Surprise!

    Hillary was and remains a pathological LIAR! the MSM (main stream media) has done a remarkable job of ignoring Hillary’s strange twist of the truth.

    The Media has protected Hillary from Hillary and her victims. NOW, this claim? WTF?


  2. stevor says:

    I agree.
    If she were treated fairly (like any of us would have been treated), she’d be attacked for all her crimes day after day with the insistence that she be put in prison or given the electric chair!


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