Why the United States Federal Government is too Big to do Most Anything

Comment by Jim Campbell

November 11th, 2019, Veteran’s Day

Donald Trump Has Fired, Demoted, or Suspended over 8,000 Veterans Affairs Employees Since Taking Office.

It’s during lockdowns when members of Congress can’t get along that they shut the government down temporarily.

What better way to determine who is essential or inessential?

Of course, he did, and the reader will quickly note that he made the entire system better as he promised.

Think about this for a moment because it’s our money.

One of the many problems with the members of Congress is besides being re-elected the want to have everything, as much as possible, done by a government that knowingly buys $750 toilet seats and hammers each.

Where else can an individual expect to go to work for life, for the vast majority become Democrats while failing their way to more pay each year?

In the private sector, they would have been kicked to the curb with nowhere else to go.

FILE - In this June 21, 2013 file photo, the Veterans Affairs Department in Washington. Federal authorities have launched dozens of new criminal investigations into possible opioid and other drug theft by employees at Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, a sign the problem isn't going away despite new prevention efforts. …
AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File

Breit News Consortium

Charlie Spiering

Nov. 11th. 2019

President Donald Trump has relieved over 8,000 Veterans Affairs employees for failing their duty since becoming the president, according to VA Secretary Robert Wilkie.

“The standard is if you don’t live up to your oath if you don’t live up to the standards that our veterans expect, that you will be asked to leave,” Wilkie told reporters in a press conference on Friday.

“This is a transformational moment in our history.”

Wilkie said accountability was a signature promise from President Trump, particularly after the Veterans Affairs scandals in Phoenix in 2014 and 2015.

Under Trump, he said, VA employees as high as network directors down to the lowest employees were removed for not performing their job to the proper standards.

“This is, I think, one of the strongest statements that we can make: That it is a new day at VA,” Wilkie said.

Trump spoke about the importance of Veterans Affairs accountability in October, during a speech on health care at The Villages in Florida.

“Do you remember all of the bad stories that used to be about the VA?” he asked. “Now you don’t see that because they have accountability. 

We can fire bad people.

We fired a tremendous number of really bad people that should’ve been fired years ago. I don’t like firing people, but I like firing people that don’t treat our vets great, that aren’t doing their job.”

Wilkie praised Trump for delivering the largest budget for the VA Department in its history and noted that the department in 2018 achieved the highest patient satisfaction rates in its history at 89.7 percent.

He also touted the success of the MISSION Act, allowing veterans the ability to have the choice to seek care in the private sector when Veterans Affairs could not give them the care that they needed.

“This puts veterans at the center of their healthcare decisions, not the institutional prerogatives of VA, but veterans,” he said.

Wilkie detailed a forthcoming national roadmap for understanding and preventing suicides and addiction, and mental health, bringing together the federal government including the Departments of Indian Health, Health, and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Department of the Defense.

He said 60 percent of veterans who committed suicide were not in Veterans Affairs care and that the roadmap would help the department was working with local organizations to find military veterans suffering from depression.

President Trump fired Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin in 2018 and replaced him with Wilkie, who was recommended to the Department by then-Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis.

Wilkie said it was an “honor” to serve in President Trump’s administration, praising him for putting veterans’ care at the top of his priority list.

“There has never been a President who has given this much attention to America’s veterans or allowed for more transformation to go on in the lives of veterans in this department than this President has,” he said.


About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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2 Responses to Why the United States Federal Government is too Big to do Most Anything

  1. One of my son’s best friends since high school became a Green Beret and held positions with Homeland Security before working for THE FBI. He was asked a few years ago the take the head position at DC, turned it down as too corrupt and impossible to clean up! SMART GUY! He did assume the head position for a western state. While there, he complained that he could not get ANY WORK out of his employees! They were just putting in time, waiting for the big GOVERNMENT PENSION! Multiply that by EVERY GOVERNMENT AGENCY and you will figure out why our government’s DEBT is so high and why OUR TAXES keep going up! The PRIVATE SECTOR could do almost every job that GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES do- – and do it cheaper and far more efficiently!


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