ATTENTION! Volunteers needed to protect Trump supporters at Keep America Great rally, Oct 10th, located in Somali Congressmuslim Ilhan Omar’s crime-filled district in Minneapolis

Comment by Jim Campbell

October 7th, 2019

I have mixed emotions about this entire story.

Muslims seem to always want extra concessions from the host city when they can grow large enough to gain control of an area.

One example is the demand of Muslims using the group CAIR to push their agenda.

CAIR uses the U.S. legal system in some areas to adjudicate their cases.

Another example is demanding employers install foot washes their feet before they go out into the street for afternoon prayer.

They are breaking the law by blocking the street during prayer time but are not worried about it because it isn’t one of the multitudes of stone age believers desire.

Islam is an all pervasive lifestyle and a cult.

They must not be classified as a religion.

What “Religion,” has codified the beheading of nonbelievers, burning to death of homosexuals, stoning their girls and women all the while performing female genital mutilation?

For the most part they refuse to assimilate into an American lifestyle.

If they don’t like the lifestyle here in The United States we have freedom which includes going back to Somalia.

Image result for images, little baby girl undergoing Female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is any procedure involving the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs.

FGM is often performed on girls between the ages of 4 and 14 to ensure their virginity until marriage.

The World Health Organization reports that FGM has no health benefits and can cause serious and often lifelong physical and psychological health problems.

Immediately following the procedure, girls are at risk of severe pain, shock, bleeding, bacterial infection, and injury to nearby tissue.

In the long term, women and girls are at risk of recurrent bladder and urinary tract infections, cysts, infertility, and complications during intercourse and childbirth. Depression, anxiety, PTSD and other psychological issues often follow the trauma of the procedure.

Somali migrants are ‘disaster’ for Minnesota, says Donald Trump

Ben Jacobs in Minneapolis and Alan Yuhas in San Francisco.

Donald Trump on Sunday warned darkly of the danger posed by Somali migrants in Minneapolis, a deeply segregated city that has the largest Somali-American community in the US.

Donald Trump speaks in Minneapolis, in an address in which he claimed local Somali migrants were joining Isis. Photograph: Charles Rex Arbogast/AP

He then claimed: “Some of them [are] joining Isis and spreading their extremist views all over our country and all over the world.”

“Everybody’s reading about the disaster taking place in Minnesota,” he added, before claiming, falsely: “You don’t even have the right to talk about it.”

Trump has made warnings about refugees a staple of his stump speech, though he has most commonly targeted Syrians fleeing the five-year civil war that has devastated their country.

Unauthorized immigration in the US

About 11.3 million people live in the US without legal papers, down from a peak of about 12.2 million in 2007.

Net unauthorized immigration has been roughly even since 2010. According to 2012 figures, there are about 8 million unauthorized migrants either working or looking for work, or 5.1% of the labor force. 

Since 2009, more Mexicans have been leaving the US than entering, likely due to a slow economic recovery since the recession and stricter border enforcement.

Barack Obama has deported more than 2.5 million people, more than any other president. 

His executive orders protect at least 1.2 million people from deportations. 

Three Somali Americans, two US citizens and one a lawful resident, pleaded guilty in June to trying to join the terror group Islamic State, or Isis.

Law enforcement officials have said that more than 30 young men from Minnesota have left the county to join Isis or al-Shabaab, which operates in east Africa.

According to the 2010 census, more than 85,000 Somali Americans lived in the US with the largest concentration living in the Twin Cities. Despite integration campaigns by the community – a former refugee is poised to win office as a state lawmaker, for instance – the area remains one of the most racially segregated in the US.

The Republican nominee has said he would bar refugees from settling in places without the approval of local governments.

A federal court ruled against Trump’s running mate, Indiana governor Mike Pence, in October, when he tried to block Syrian refugees from settling in his state.

In that decision, judge Richard Posner said Pence’s actions were discriminatory, and “the equivalent of his saying (not that he does say) that he wants to forbid black people to settle in Indiana not because they’re black but because he’s afraid of them, and since race is therefore not his motive he isn’t discriminating”.

In Minneapolis on Sunday, Trump said blocking refugees would be “the least [government] can do for you”.

“You’ve suffered enough in Minnesota,” he said, “and we will pause admissions from terror-prone regions until a full security assessment has been performed and until a proven vetting mechanism has been established.”‘I just wanted to show a sign’: protester relives Trump fans’ attack at Nevada rally

The US has some of the strictest vetting procedures in the world, requiring multiple stages of interviews with security agencies, background and health checks, and the process can last two years.

Trump has not specified which countries he would bar migration from, nor many details of what he calls “extreme vetting.”

Hillary Clinton retains edge over Donald Trump in election’s final sprint

Trump argued that these methods would prevent terror attacks in the US, citing “the recent terrorist attack in St Cloud.”

In that Minnesotan city, in September, a 20-year-old Somali American man stabbed eight people in a mall, before being fatally shot by a police officer.

The next day, leaders of the Somali community condemned the attack and the FBI said it was investigating it as a “potential act of terror”. It released few details.

“It’s horrible what they’re doing and if you want people to pour in Minnesota all you have to do is vote for Hillary Clinton,” Trump said on Sunday.

Somali Americans have become a target for domestic terrorists. In September, three members of a militia group were arrested for allegedly plotting to bomb an apartment building in Garden City, Kansas, with a number of Somali-American residents and where one apartment was used as a mosque.

The three men arrested could face life in prison.

According to the FBI complaint filed against the suspects, the men called themselves “the Crusaders” and Muslims “cockroaches”, and said that they wanted to “wake people up” with “a bloodbath”.


October 6, 2019

Ilhan Omar’s district not only is the biggest Islamic (Al-Shabaab & ISIS) terrorist recruiting area in America, it is teeming with welfare dependent Somali Muslims who have nothing better to do than wander the streets and potentially make trouble for Trump supporters at the upcoming rally.

FYI:More men and boys from a Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined, or attempted to join, terrorist organizations over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country.

For over a decade, Islamic terror groups have been able to recruit from Minnesota. This is, in part, because Minnesota has  the largest Somali Muslim population compared to other parts of the U.S. (Thanks to Barack Hussein Obama’s policies of flying Somali welfare-dependent populations and Somali gangs into the US by the tens of thousands each year using US cargo planes)

Somali Muslim migrants in Minnesota make a lot of demands reports: FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabaab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined. And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS. Both numbers are far higher than those of alleged terrorist wannabes who left or attempted to leave the country from other areas in the country where Muslim refugees have been resettled.

Now…about the Oct 10th Keep America Great rally in Minneapolis:

Oathkeepers The violent communists of Antifa  have issued a national call to action for Antifa and other radical, America hating leftists, (as well as their radical Somali Muslim allies) to converge on the upcoming Trump rally in Minneapolis on Oct 10 to “disrupt” the Trump rally with an Antifa black block “America is Canceled” protest against capitalism. We need to be there to provide volunteer security escorts for rally attendees as they walk to and from the rally.

ALERT: Security volunteers needed!

Oath Keepers, veterans, bikers, three percenters, and other capable patriots, we need your help.

We are confident that the venue itself will be safe, but we have serious concerns for the safety of attendees as they walk from their vehicles to the venue, and then back to their vehicles in the dark afterward.

There have been numerous examples of Trump supporters being attacked under those circumstances, especially as they leave a rally (see below video).

Therefore, we need to be there to provide volunteer security escorts for Trump rally attendees in Minneapolis, MN just as we recently did to great success at the Trump rally in Rio Rancho, NM.

Leftists have a right to protest, but they don’t have a right to shut down the free speech and assembly of other people.

Nor do they have a right to assault people because they don’t like their politics.  

We have a duty to protect our fellow Americans against such terrorism, and we will.  

No American, of whatever political party, should have to worry about being violently assaulted as they attend a public political rally.

If you are within driving range of Minneapolis, MN, and you are capable of assisting with security, we need your help in keeping the rally attendees safe.  NOTE:  you do NOT have to be a member of Oath Keepers to volunteer.

To volunteer, email us at:

Put “Minneapolis Trump Rally Security Volunteer” in the subject line.  

Please provide your full name, phone number, zip code, and tell us about your prior service, training, or experience that is relevant to a security mission.  

If you are a member of Oath Keepers, please include your membership number.  Please also include links to any social media profiles.   Expect to be heavily vetted.  

As always, we will not accept anyone who advocates or belongs to any group that advocates, the overthrow of the U.S. government or that discriminate along racial lines.  

We also cannot use anyone who is a convicted felon.

We are looking for calm, physically capable men who can effectively protect others, while also keeping their cool under pressure.

Bikers For Trump

We always work closely with other awesome patriots or biker groups.  

If you are the leader of a motorcycle club, riding club, association, or group that is interested in helping with security, or the leader of a three percent group, firearms association, or other patriot groups, please email us at the same email, but please add “Security Leader” in the subject line and tell us who you are with (we will trust you to vet your own men).

NOTE:  If you want to help, or if you simply want to attend the rally, please reserve a rally ticket ASAP by going here.  

There is a distinct possibility that only rally ticket holders will be allowed inside a large event security perimeter, so please get a ticket.  

Expect radical leftists to grab tickets as well, so they can infiltrate and disrupt the rally from within, so don’t presume you can grab a ticket last minute.


About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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