Secret ‘show trial’: Nunes charges Democrats using intelligence panel to cloak process

Comment by Jim Campbell

October 5th, 2019

Congressman Devin Nunes, (R) Cal unloads on Team Pelosi for holding a mock impeachment trial of President behind closed doors only to find tha each witness the Democrats called would fall on their faces in a real impeachment setting.

So now Mitch Romney is entering the cast of characters. he’s a back-bencher in the low minor leagues.

Let him close enough and he would perhaps enjoy taking a shot at playing slice and dice with Donald Trump.

Just more waste of our taxpayer dollars.

The Washington Examiner

By David M. Drucker

October 5th. 2019

Rep. Devin Nunes of California charged that Democrats are conducting impeachment in secret in order to hide their paucity of evidence against President Trump.

“I call it faux impeachment,” Nunes told the Washington Examiner on Friday.

“By running it in the House Intelligence Committee, they’re trying to keep all of the information from the American public.

And I understand why because every witness we have that comes in bombs out for them.”

Nunes is calling the Democrat-driven impeachment inquiry illegitimate, insisting that Trump’s attempt to push the Ukrainian government to investigate political rival Joe Biden was unequivocally appropriate.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is moving the impeachment inquiry through the Intelligence Committee, where Nunes, a close Trump ally, serves as the top Republican.

In an interview, the congressman sounded confident the inquiry would flop, even amid fresh indications the president might have sought to use U.S. foreign policy levers to affect an agreement from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to target Biden, the former vice president and a Democrat Trump could face in 2020.

“The House has to take a vote in order for them to really start the impeachment process, to give us subpoena power — the Democrats subpoena power, so that you can have a real investigation and then members of Congress can decide whether or not impeachment is appropriate,” Nunes said.

However, even if a majority of the House votes to support opening an impeachment inquiry, Nunes said he would defer to the White House on whether it should honor subpoenas.

The impeachment inquiry centers around a July telephone call, revealed by a whistleblower complaint, in which Trump asked Zelensky to investigate Biden and his son, Hunter.

According to a summary transcript that Trump says is accurate, the president asked Zelensky to work with his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and Attorney General William Barr to investigate the Bidens and the origins of the Russia probe overseen by Robert Mueller.

The president claims he was doing his constitutional duty to root out corruption. “I don’t care about politics,” he told reporters Friday. “I never thought Joe Biden was going to win.”

Nunes indicated that he would take issue with Trump and Giuliani if they purposely tried to pressure Ukraine, or other foreign governments, to unearth opposition research on Biden for political purposes.

“If a president just randomly was parachuting his personal attorney down into countries where he thought he could get some dirt on political opponents … that might be questionable,” he said, but added, “That’s not what this is.”

Citing the Trump-Zelensky transcript and offering a possible preview of Republican messaging strategy, Nunes said the president was simply trying to get to the bottom of a tainted Russia probe that amounted to a partisan hit job.

And, since Giuliani served as Trump’s attorney during that investigation, Nunes has concluded that former New York mayor’s recent dealings with Ukraine are above board.

“That whole issue is fake news,” Nunes said.

“But what is not fake news is that the origins of the Russia investigation start in Ukraine.

Why? Because the Democrats were paying people to get information from Ukrainians, dirt on Trump.

The Democrats in 2015 and ‘16 were paying Ukrainians to get dirt from government officials that they then fed to the FBI.”

Nunes added, “You had the mainstream media and the Democrats, including Democrats on the Intelligence Committee, running around talking to Russians and Ukrainians looking for what?

Nude photos of the president.

That’s a fact.”

Republicans in Congress, even the few who have criticized Trump regarding Ukraine, have stopped short of accusing Trump of offering Kyiv a quid pro quo — military aid for a Biden investigation.

Democrats disagree.

But even if that issue is debatable, they assert that an impeachment inquiry is warranted because the president asked Zelensky to investigate Biden, which they contend is an abuse of power.

“I do not think that one transcript memo is enough to determine yea or nay on quid pro quo,” said Rep. Abigail Spanberger, a former clandestine officer in the Central Intelligence Agency.

“The element of asking a foreign leader for assistance in digging up information about a political opponent, that is not permissible.”

Nunes is optimistic that Trump will be vindicated.

The intelligence community whistleblower is politically biased, and Kurt Volker, Trump’s former Ukraine envoy, did not undermine the president’s defense in a closed-door testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, Nunes said.

Meanwhile, he said that a series of unearthed text messages from U.S. diplomats that could reveal a quid pro quo were manipulated by Democrats to “fabricate” Trump’s guilt.

“This is just a show trial,” Nunes said.


About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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4 Responses to Secret ‘show trial’: Nunes charges Democrats using intelligence panel to cloak process

  1. Dave the Differentiator says:

    When did anyone actually need a defense against “RUMORS”?

    The Rule of Law is very simple. First there has to be a crime. There must be valid evidence to prove that a crime took place. NONE of this basic requirements for an Impeachment Trial exist!

    The Democrats going over the edge and becoming hysterical and making all sorts of false claims does not meet the basic test!

    President Trump is well within his powers to seek investigations of corruption inside the American Government. The key to this entire situation is the money! The claims appear to require a motive. President was rich when he became President. What was the financial status of the other folks involved? When and where did Pelosi get wealth and money? When and where did Schiff get wealth and money? How about the Biden gang? How about Bernie? Of course, the Clintons and Obama are yet another factor. The basic problem of using the Ukraine as the source of the corruption is that a trail will involve all of the facts on both sides of this Political Drama.

    The Clinton Crime Family is well documented and this situation has all of the finger prints of these criminals! Obama is clearly going to have difficulty explaining his sudden wealth after being President! Obama has three houses that were all multi-million dollar estates. Two in New York and one in California. The same is true of the Clinton’s vast wealth. Just exactly how did these criminals get so much money?

    The Clinton Foundation was a very large money laundering organization. Was the Ukraine a source? Russia paid the Clinton Foundation $145 MILLION in 2016. What is up with that? My opinion is that if Biden held back one BILLION from the Ukraine then some big bucks went to the Democrats money laundering organizations around the world. The NSA has records of all of these money movements and President Trump is their BOSS! We know that Admiral Mike Rogers is a Whistle-Blower to Trump and the first source of the “Spy-Gate” Conspiracy. The Trump Team already has the answers and were just waiting for the Foolish Four tom step into the pond of Ukraine Corruption. The MSM is not the news leaders any longer. Americans now know that CNN and MSNBC can not be trusted with any real news. These two news outlets are spinning so fast that they are all dizzy idiots now!

    Trust the Trump PLAN to Drain the Swamp!


  2. I do not trust ANYTHING the Democrats SAY or DO! That includes Biden and his son! DRAIN THE SWAMP!


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