Can one image summarize two decades?

By Jim Campbell

May 26th, 2019

There is absolutely no doubt about it.

With Donald J.Trump with a shovel in his hand he has promised to “Make America Great Again.”

Our country and the world would be a better place if the people below were given an immediate dirt nap into eternity.

You tell them Kelly!


About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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4 Responses to Can one image summarize two decades?

  1. Opinion says:

    The Democrats are totally without leadership. Nancy Pelosi cannot impeach the President because it takes both houses of Congress and the Senate is in control.

    Nancy Pelosi is a traitor to America. Just what does this idiot think she is doing protecting non-citizens. The illegal invaders who Nancy Pelosi calls immigrants is a gross violation of her oath to protect and defend the U. S. Constitution. The U. S. Constitution has very specific laws for new immigrants. Follow the law Pelosi!


  2. Dave the Diffentiator says:

    There i9s one major obstacle to impeachment of President Trump. There needs to be very specific charges about what he did, what specific crimes and misdemeanors he committed against America.

    Pelosi claims President Trump is covering up something but always fails to say what is being covered up. Adam Schiff claims he has evidence but always fails to present any evidence of collusion of obstruction.

    The Media makes stupid allegations but is never specific. All of these people appear to fail to understand the law. If they want to impeach President Trump then they are required to present evidence and facts. Of course, by now all of America knows the Democrats do not have any evidence because President Trump never violated ANY LAWS.

    However, as America now gets to see all of the evidence of crimes committed by Hillary, Obama, Comey, Holder, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Feinstein, Ohr, Rosenstein, Mueller, Rice, Strzok, Page, Bush W. and the other Democrats who were involved in the conspiracy to overthrow a sitting President it should prove interesting as to what happens to all of these criminals and their followers.

    The penalty for Sedition and Treason is death! There is a reason why President Trump is now using this consequence for the conspiracy of Spy-Gate and the attempted Coup! My guess is that President Trump is now in a very secure place and the Conspiracy unravels. The Conspiracy was not limited to just America. There is evidence that the UK, Australia and Italy were also involved as was the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia.

    There are many of the personnel who were involved who have already been arrested. The Royal Family of Saudi Arabia is one suck example. The death of John McCain and George H. W. Bush is another example. Rumor has it the George W has now become a cooperating witness along with Loretta Lynch.

    The really bad players in this Conspiracy are doing everything they can think of to position themselves for a plausible excuse – there is none!

    Next week there should be some disclosures that rock the world. Theresa May has already resigned. The Main Stream Media has drifted over to the middle of the road on various subjects. The Deep State is now being openly discussed. There were several key players in the Conspiracy, Obama, Hillary, Lynch, Brennan, Rice, Clapper, Ohr, Rosenstein, and more. Some of these players have changed sides and given testimony against the other corrupt players. Some of this sworn testimony is available in open source on the Internet.

    Dan Bongino has written a book Spy Gate) and given many interviews disclosing the Conspiracy. Robert David Steele, Kevin Shipp, Bill Binney and other Whistle Blowers have all provided evidence of the Conspiracy.

    Attorney General Barr has all of the evidence and will expose the TRUTH – Then What? SHTF is the expectation but how severe will the public response actually be? No one knows! Plan for the worst and hope for the best!


  3. Opinion says:

    Admiral Mike Rogers, Director of the NSA, gave president Trump all of the evident right qafter Trump became President. Trump has known the truth all along!


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