In keeping with Eskimo tradition of dealing with the elderly the Health Care System is doing the same

Comment by Jim Campbell

April 11th, 2019

Don’t think this situation could or would ever happen in the United States of America?

Don’t bet on it!

Senicide among the Eskimo

It’s time to put grandma and grandpa out on the ice flow.

Many times the seinicide was more like assisted suicide because the elder felt a burden and offered to become abandoned.

It was theorized that a better lifetime awaited someone who was led to death rather than caused it himself, hence the need for someone to lead or push them onto an ice floe or abandon them out in the wilderness.

Assisted suicide was more common.

By pain, fear, grief, infirmity, it was not uncommon for an elder or infirm to ask to be put to death, and the person(s) asked felt an obligation to assist, even if they did not want to do so.

So the ice floe legend may not be completely accurate, but it’s still not far afield.

Obama’s “Health Care Denial with Death Panels,” was little more than a single payer system designed to put all other healthcare insurance providers out of business.

In reality at it’s time, “Obama Care,” was the biggest scam in U.S. History.


If the uneducated voter continues to vote for and elect progressive/socialists, a single payer system would be exactly what they want.

  • Older patients are now being told to wear darker glasses by opticians
  • Comes as NHS refuses to offer people life-changing cataract surgery
  • Many living alone totally lose social life and independence with sight

Daily Mail

By Sophie Borland and Emily Kent Smith

April 11th, 2019

Elderly patients are being told by opticians to buy darker sunglasses as the NHS will not pay for life-changing cataract surgery

Others have been informed they are not ‘entitled’ just because they had laser treatment on their eyes 16 years ago.

Many who live alone have lost their social lives and can no longer go out with friends in the evenings as they cannot drive at night.

Last week, the Mail revealed how three quarters of hospitals now deny life-changing cataract operations from the elderly unless their sight is extremely poor.

We also exposed how hospitals are encouraging patients to jump the queue by paying for the surgery themselves, sometimes at four times the price.

Since our revelations we have been inundated with emails, letters and phone calls from patients with very poor sight who have been refused treatment.

They include former care worker Daphne Buxton who was told by her optician to buy darker sunglasses, rather than have surgery.

The 72-year-old grandmother has cataracts in both eyes which are so severe she cannot recognise the faces of friends and family if they are more than 10 feet away (3 metres).

Another lady, who wishes to remain anonymous, was informed by her doctor she wasn’t ‘entitled’ to treatment as she’d had laser surgery 16 years ago.

He told her this meant the cataract operation would need to be slightly different to the standard NHS procedure, and more expensive.

‘When you’re faced with the consultant you don’t disagree, you just do what he tells you.’

Around half of the over 65s suffer from cataracts to some degree, an estimated 4.5 million Britons.

Some people had been informed they were not ‘entitled’ to surgery just because they had laser treatment on their eyes 16 years ago FILE IMAGE

Others have been informed they are not ‘entitled’ to surgery just because they had laser treatment on their eyes 16 years ago.

The condition occurs when the lens in front of the eye becomes cloudy with age, and this usually worsens with time.

But it can be easily treated by a 30 to 45 minute operation to replace the affected lens with a plastic implant, which patients describe as ‘life transforming.’

Many NHS trusts will only offer patients treatment if they fail sight tests – even when wearing glasses.

They must get a score of 6 out of 12 or less meaning that even with glasses their vision is still half as good as a normal person,

Some trusts go further by asking patients ‘grossly inappropriate’ questions to prove their quality of life is severely affected.

These include whether they have fallen over twice in the last year, struggle to recognize faces or also suffer from hearing problems.

There are no national guidelines to decide who gets cataracts surgery so health trusts and hospitals are left to draw up their own rules.

Many who live alone have lost their social lives and can no longer go out with friends in the evenings as they cannot drive at night

Many who live alone have lost their social lives and can no longer go out with friends in the evenings as they cannot drive at night

Yesterday Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said treatment should be offered to all patients who needed it ‘without delay’ – and said the decision should be made by doctors.

Growing numbers of MPs and charities are urging the NHS to issue a new set of guidelines to ensure the surgery is not rationed.

They include the Royal National Institute for the Blind, which says thousands of patients are losing their sight needlessly.

Holly Heath, the charity’s Policy and Campaigns Officer said: ‘Denying treatment leaves patients at risk of depression, social isolation and fall-related hip fractures which are more costly to treat in the long-term.’

Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK said: ‘It has been a worrying trend over the last few years for eligibility for cataract surgery to be tightened with people being forced to wait for their sight to significantly deteriorate before getting help.

‘Having to wait a long time for an operation or procedure may not only condemn an older person to misery but it can also undermine their resilience and make it harder for them to sustain their independence.’


About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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