Supreme Court Justice John Roberts: Part II The End is Near

By Jim Campbell

January 1st, 2019

I would be remiss in saying goodbye to 2018 if I didn’t attempt to tie up some loose ends on the biggest fraud perpetrated upon “We the People,”  in U.S. History.



All I can do is make the attempt to explain it in one nicely wrapped package, undoubtedly there will be more to follow.



The details disclosed in these two videos is well-organized and crystal clear as to what happened to Trump – an organized conspiracy by powerful people who appear to have been led by Obama and Hillary and managed by Loretta Lynch.

There are now many of the conspirators who have been turned into State Witnesses (flipped) and so more and more facts with compelling evidence is coming out on a regular basis. 

I believe it was Benjamin Franklin, in “Poor Richards Almanac,” who said that three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead!

Last year Trey Gowdy destroyed the comments of Liza Page and Stroz but predictably Republicans who then controlled both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate failed to do anything about it.

Talk about “Dereliction of Duty?”



Virtually everything Gina Shakespeare discusses in the videos below has been documented on this site using credible sources along with media sources that are not considered to be among the purveyors of “Fake News.”

Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg were put to death by the federal government for far less. (Source)


Declassified is a new channel from The Epoch Times focused on unseen wars, unconventional weapons, political analysis, and related topics.

Join hosts Joshua Philipp and Gina Shakespeare as they speak with some of the leading experts in the field about security issues that are often little known, but that affect all of us.

Topics Declassified will cover: subversion, psychological warfare, space warfare, crime, espionage, terrorism, ideology, unconventional weapons, military, law enforcement, patriotism and traditional values.



Mission: Chasing the truth, grounding all statements in facts, preventing people from being misinformed and misled.

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There is more information being “discovered” on a regular basis. 

The corruption is in all three branches of America’s Government.

While the SpyGate expose – book and videos – talk about what was known at the time, it now appears that the Supreme Court was involved with the entire conspiracy.

If there is any justice that is where he will find himself.



John Roberts and Ruth Ginsberg have been implicated as corrupt.










The “buzz” on the Internet is interesting in that Ginsberg has been rumored to be out in January 2019,  health and age were the stated reasons for Ginsberg’s departure.

In reality the media’s recently disclosed lung cancer is a metastasis from a previous cancer and she doesn’t have long to live.

Substantiated by oncologist to me in private communications.

Look for an opening on the bench and little if anything being accomplished by Congress as they attempt to block Trump’s next choice for the Supreme Court.

The tea leaves are showing that 7th District Court Justice is up for the president’s next nomination.


Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Judge Amy Coney Barrett, 46, is one of President Donald Trump’s finalists to fill the Supreme Court seat likely to be  vacated buy current Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

A superstar among the religious right, Barrett would be the fifth woman to serve on the court and the youngest justice confirmed since Clarence Thomas was elevated to the Court at age 43 in 1991.

Barrett is a newcomer to the bench, joining the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit less than a year ago in October 2017.

A graduate of Notre Dame University Law School, Barrett clerked for the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia and later returned to Notre Dame’s law school as a member of the faculty.

Barrett was vaulted into the headlines during her 2017 confirmation hearings when she was pressed on how her Catholic faith could impact her jurisprudence.

“The dogma lives loudly within you,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said at one point during the hearing. “That’s of concern.”

The comments were widely criticized by conservatives who said Democrats were showing religious bigotry in their consideration of Barrett.

“I would never impose my own personal convictions upon the law,” Barrett said during the hearing.

That sentiment echoed a 1998 law review article she co-wrote about Catholic judges and death penalty cases which concluded: “Judges cannot-nor should they try to-align our legal system with the Church’s moral teaching whenever the two diverge.”

Typically the left will do everything possible as Feinstein’s remarks indicate above to oppose a Female even a highly qualified female candidate.

John Roberts has been under suspicion for some time.

The corruption is the same old ploy – money, sex and drugs or alcohol.

Usually a combination of these factors.

The amount of money involved is staggering and has flowed for many generations.

The Clinton Crime Syndicate and the Bush Family Syndicate are both well documented over the past 30 to 40 years.

The CIA Black Ops people are the driving force and war is the leading motivator!

The Ruth Ginsberg revelations are recent but obvious with her public statements about President Trump – which constituted Sedition. (Source)

As former Secret Service Agent, Dan Bongino has stated, there is a very clear paper trail of the crimes and players in this DRAMA!

The corrupt Main Stream Media is keeping these facts from the public but the disclosures have started and the process will not be stopped now!

Don’t hold your breath !





About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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15 Responses to Supreme Court Justice John Roberts: Part II The End is Near

  1. Doug says:

    How is it you can have such hate, animosity, and fear over your fellow man (much less fellow Americans) to the point that you seem conspiracy and corruption infests all levels of life (even if that’s just government), and you still live here in America and have not moved on to a more pleasant place?


    • JCscuba says:

      Because unlike you Doug I have a skill set which among many things includes finding the truth at well source articles. There’s nothing truly new here, It’s all been put in a nice package in one place so those who are interested in the truth can find it. Your personal ad hominem attacks on me and the content of this page is likely beneath you. J.C.


      • Doug says:

        Well, ok.. then my point would be that while I consider you a fellow American regardless of your politics, the message you consistently send is that there are many “fellow Americans” you truly hate and obviously fear in some manner.. to the point that you need to spread all this to others using your blog. Of course it’s your right to do that and I would defend that right (and have in service to the nation in the past) but my concern is that you are simply spreading discontent using conspiracy sources.. rather than focusing on solutions or trying to inspire some hope. You focus on blaming. I am guessing you’d like to see a good old fashioned civil war to clear the air and thin the herd?


  2. Whenever you disagree with a Liberal, the first word out of their mouth is HATE! No, we do not HATE you, we DISAGREE with you! Assignment for the day: Look up the words HATE and DISAGREE in the dictionary and try to believe what it says.


    • Doug says:

      It’s all about taking responsibility for your words. You visit the average “Liberal” blog and you will very likely see posts about Trump’s poor performance as a person… who just happened to become President. You go to the average “Conservative” blog it’s all about fear of Liberals taking over, constant comparisons to the Clintons and Obama, and spouting tales of deeps state conspiracies. Just a school yard “I know you are but what am I?” mindless exchange.


  3. Opinion says:

    Interesting comments and reflect my experience with the very liberal Left! Why the name calling?

    This article is laced with hard facts and proofs of the allegations of corruption – which is of course negative to the Left since they are the LIARS and CHEATS, As a direct result of President Obama whom was a Muslim and remains a Muslim who hates America. Try reading Obama’s book where actually admits this statement as fact. Obama’s Muslim Czars all HATE America because that is what Muslims do – HATE.

    There are now so many “Whistle-Blowers” who are coming forward to set the record straight that I think the Democrats are done. Treason and Sedition are crimes and the punishment is death.

    Google Dan Bongino, Kevin Shipp or Robert David Steele and you will get the same story about the corruption in America’s government. These three guys are just the better known Whistle Blowers! These three guys love America which is a good thing. Trump loves America and wants to Make America Great Again. No more illegal immigration! No more corruption in Congress and the Government.

    Patriots LOVE America!


    • Doug says:

      Actually, what you meant to say is that “Patriots like me love America.” That would better imply that in your opinion you are a patriot because you believe the way you do. Otherwise, the way you first expressed it implies that being a patriot means you love America… which pretty much applies to all Americans….. including myself.
      Personally, I was under the impression that Conservatives measure the degree of patriotism by their magazine capacity.


  4. Doug, you are probably a GUN HATER TOO! In 2005 when I was 66 years old, a 24 year old man was running from police. He came over my six foot fence and ran in my unlocked back door. He looked like a young Mike Tyson, except that he was Hispanic, not Black. I looked more like “Granny” on Beverly Hillbillies. (no match for him!) UNTIL I grabbed a pistol! He was a member of MS-13 and was high on meth. Once I ran him out of my house, I had time to call 911. I ended up with 17 police officers in my yard, the Chief standing across the street with all my neighbors, (he lived a block away) and the 3 officers who cornered him in my garage fought him for more than 15 minutes. Suppose he had brought 12 of his Gang pals with him! I would have needed an “ASSAULT RIFLE” or maybe a BUMP STOCK or I would not have lived to tell about it. A few days later over at the court house, his OWN DADDY told me his son would have killed me if I had not been armed. All is well that ends well- – HE left in the ambulance and I DID NOT! Now, – – after all that- – how could I POSSIBLY be a Democrat??? LOVE, Granny


    • Doug says:

      No.. I’m not a gun-hater.. gun owner, actually.. most of my life. Used to be in the NRA. I’m even a card-carrying Republican. I applaud your quick action, your tenacity in the face of danger, and praise your survival to tell the story. A perfect example of gun ownership for personal protection. I’m not so sure I would accept that event alone as being the defining criteria of your Constitutional freedom, as it takes all of the amendments working together to make our country.
      I might suggest you click on the link associated with my name above to go to my blog for a sample of where I am coming from. Click on the top menu “About Me”; hopefully you won’t get too bored.


    • JCscuba says:

      You got it granny !


  5. Vicky K. says:

    The Constitution clearly states that supreme court justices can be fired for ‘Bad Behavior’. I think that covers criminal activity, treason, and simply the act of misinterpreting the constitution, which is the ONLY legal source by which they are allowed to base their decisions on.
    So either Trump is ignorant of the Constitution or he secretly agrees with the rogue supreme court. Either way, HE is derelict in his duties by not firing bad judges, or bad FBI Agents, or any of the other crooks in Washington under his authority.


    • JCscuba says:

      I agree with you with the exception that it would be difficult to ” Prove” that Roberts was derelict in his duties. I happen to be a big Trump fan when I way the good against the bad. For sure he does some dopey things,and I think attacking a sitting justice would be among them, thanks for stopping by, your comments are appreciated, I’m J.C. and I run this site. Happy New Year.


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