Who are the crazy people wearing the little yellow vests?

Comment by Jim Campbell

December 13, 2018

What Started in France is spreading around the globe, these protests are becoming all to frequent  with injuries and deaths waiting to follow.

It’s just a matter of time for the do nothings and those funded by George Soros to join hands with what amounts to  protestors,  leftists, hard right, anarchists thugs and miscreants , pick you adjectives and add them to the list.

To be hammered by U.S. Police forces, nationally.

By Jim O’Neill

Jim ONeill image

Canada Free Press

Bio and ArchivesDecember 14, 2018


A grassroots movement made up of citizens who have become fed up with the political establishment in France has grown since early November and it has come to a head this month.

The movement, known as “gilets jaunes” or “yellow vests” began as an anti-tax protest but has since merged folks from the left and the right into a much broader anti-government movement.

Demonstrator wearing Yellow Vests (Gilets jaunes) protest against the rising of the fuel and oil prices on November 17, 2018on the RN 90 road between Albertville and Chambery, central eastern France. – French drivers seething over high fuel prices have vowed to snarl traffic across the country on November 17 in a widely supported protest that could prove the trickiest so far for French President. (Photo by JEAN-PIERRE CLATOT / AFP)


The movement has become so large that political experts are now calling it a “new revolution.” [emphasis added]—Matt Agorist “‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Spreading Globally as Citizens Rise Up Against Corrupt Governments”



The yellow vest (gilets jaunes) movement in France has grown from a protest against increased gas taxes to a broad coalition of anti-government demonstrators drawing from both sides of the political spectrum.

It is truly a grassroots populist movement, with no individual leader or organization directing it—think Tea Party fused with Bernie supporters.

.Les Gilets Jaunes, the yellow vests, is a movement of the people, but it is worth noting that elements within the French military are none too happy as well. 

Recently French General Antoine Martinez penned a letter to French President Macron warning him that he was treading dangerously close to treason. 

The letter was signed by an additional 11 French generals, a former Minister of Defense, and an admiral.  Hmm…coup d’etat, that’s French right?

In any event, as Erik Rush points out, the movement has grown increasingly ugly. 

Violent affrontements (clashes) between the police and protesters have increased both in number and severity.

While the demonstrations in France started out reasonably peacefully, they have become increasingly violent over time, with current damage estimates at around $1 billion.

French police have employed tear gas and water cannons against demonstrators, and well over 1,000 of them have been taken into custody. Several deaths have been reported….  Erik Rush Riots in France: Coming to America next?

Rush ponders in his article’s title if the yellow vest riots will be coming to America next.  To which I say “Absolument mon frere!”  It is only a question of time.  And that brings me to the main point(s) of this article.

America is currently in Civil War II—it is still largely a cold civil war at this point, but it could morph into a hot and bloody civil war on any given day. 

I hear and read patriots who opine that it took a long time to get to where we are today, and it will take an equally long time to work our way out of it. 

I strongly disagree.

We the People do not have the time; we are out of time; time has run out.

Trust me, if you think things are ugly now, you ain’t seen nothing yet. 

Things are only going to get worse, count on it. 

When Mark Levin asked journalist Heather MacDonald where she saw America in a few years she told him either in a civil war or backing away from one. 

Levin then asked her “You mean a physical civil war?”  She replied “I absolutely do.”

We’ve seen civil violence grow—people, with impunity, with the celebration and encouragement of politicians, beating each other up…Antifa harassing Tucker Carlson, harassing politicians or shooting them.

Again, the universities are teaching students to hate on the basis of race and gender. Unless we counter that narrative, which originates in the view that America is oppressive. Unless we fight that narrative of endemic racism, we are in civil war.” —Fox News “Heather MacDonald warns US colleges are breeding hate

I agree with MacDonald, except for the timeline. 

As I say, we are in a civil war right now. 

The only question is if/when it will go explosively physical.

Time is not on our side,  folks.

As older generations who were raised on patriotism, personal responsibility, and Judeo/Christian values die off, they are being replaced by indoctrinated sheeple who have been largely spoon-fed globalism, climate change, identity politics, multiculturalism, socialism, relativism, anti-capitalism, and anti-American pap since kindergarten.

A recent poll showed that 53 percent of American teens and twenty-something’s do not respect America. 

At sporting events, millions of students fail to stand for the national anthem. 

In southern California, you see more Mexican flags being displayed and flown rather than the Stars and Stripes. 

In Detroit, Michigan, you see the Islamic black flag with Arabic writing that Americans cannot decipher.—Frosty Woolridge “Hating Your Own Country: Teaching U.S. Kids to Loathe America

Look at the support that socialist/communist Bernie Sanders got and gets. 

Look at the support socialist Andrew Gillum had running for governor in Florida, or “Beto” O’Rourke had running for senator in Texas. 

Many of their supporters are fanatical, and they are only going to grow in numbers as our “educational” indoctrination centers churn out more and more dumbed down zealots who are sure that capitalism sucks and socialism is the best thing since sliced humus.

The left, at least the thoroughly brainwashed ones, have gone rabid and are off the chain. 

There is no reasoning with them, no debating them, no relating to them. 

And their numbers grow exponentially, fed on a constant stream of anti-Trump (read that as anti-America, anti-you) media propaganda. 

I’ll say it again, it’s not going to get better, it’s going to get worse.  Either We the People put the brakes on things NOW, or we’re toast. 

Just what do I mean by “putting on the brakes?”  Glad you asked.

First let me outline what’s at stake here. 

If we continue down the road we are on we will soon be living in a world of brutal tyranny. 

Call it globalism, call it communism, call it fascism, call it any d—n thing you want, it will be a tyrannical form of global governance run by an elite class of potentate wannabes and their toadies. 

And it will be brutal. 

It may not start out that way, but eventually as people resist the evermore burdensome weight of uncontrolled government demands, the rulers will use force and more force to ensure compliance to their Draconian edicts (“Anyone need a gilets jaune, anyone?”). 

And you thought it would be utopia? 

Grow up.  The only ones living in any semblance of utopia will be the ruling elites.

Well, they perhaps might live in some semblance of utopia were not for the fact that tyrannies traditionally do not end well, what with all the revolutions, bloodshed and such. 

All of which I would very much like to spare America from experiencing.  Which brings me once again to putting on the brakes, NOW.

We are quickly drifting toward the point of no return

We the People are quickly drifting toward the point of no return…some would say we are already past that point.  I think that there is still hope for America to rise again as a free and democratic republic, but action needs to be taken, and soon.

Seeing we have our own self-proclaimed “messenger” in the White House, how about we ask him to deliver a message for us?  Not a message in words, but in actions.

I’m your messenger. The message is simple. We’re gonna take our country back.President Donald J. Trump

We want to see some arrests, lots of arrests. 

And we don’t mean small fry, we mean big time movers and shakers—arrest them!  Too big to fail or fall my butt.  Enough of this two-tiered “justice” system bulls—t. 

Find the them guilty and jail them for crying out loud.  H—l, some of them deserve to be taken out and shot.  Seriously.

Take away FCC operating licenses and shut down the globalist/government propaganda machine. 

Have the military run the TV stations if necessary. 

Build the f—king wall and clamp down hard on sanctuary cities/states—all of which are illegal in any case.  Sweep out all the leftist c—p from our schools and start teaching American civics and true American history again—warts and all is fine, but the heavily slanted myopic anti-American propaganda has got to go. 

The “Pledge of Allegiance” and “one nation under God” need to be taught and practiced in our schools again.

I’m just getting started, but you get the idea. 

Yes, there will be hell to pay, but it will be over in a relatively short time and the damage to America will be minimized. 

But, unless radical,  preemptive proactive actions are taken soon, there will be hell to pay in any event, and it won’t be over any time soon—and the damage to America will be catastrophic. 

You hear me?  Radical.  Preemptive.  Proactive.  Actions.

Words, words, words, and putting up with more Uni-party crapola from Congress won’t cut it any more. 

And God spare me from the Democrat’s insane anti-Trump hysteria once they get the House. 

Unless radical, preemptive, proactive actions are taken soon by President Trump…then I guess it will be left up to We the People to take action.

I’ve been practicing my French—“Je suis gilets jaunes!” (“I am yellow vest!”).  Pronounce it (approximately) “Jah swee jillay june” with a raised clenched fist and your message should get across to other Gilets Jaunes

No joke.



About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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2 Responses to Who are the crazy people wearing the little yellow vests?

  1. JAFC says:

    Considering that what began as a fuel tax protest in France has morphed into a Pan-European protest of the EU/UN “Immigration Treaty” which mandates open admission of massed Third World (or is that Turd Whirled?) ladies, gentlemen, and their darling brats – I can see why the Europeans (and now even the Canadians) are pissed.

    NO – George Soros doesn’t like Yellow Vesters. Not in the least!


    • JCscuba says:

      Soros probably bought all the vests that are being worn. Wherever there is chaos think Soros. Soros is the entity who needs to be ” Turd Swirled” then done so again. Thanks had never heard those words.


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