Return of Germany’s Baader-Meinhof terrorist gang

By Jim Campbell

April 8th, 2018

Just when you thought it was time to crawl out of your holes we are reminded that terrorism and Islam aren’t the only game on the block.


Let us discuss how these aging hipsters are still all dressed up with no place to go.

Their antics seem to come out of a Monty Python script.

I’m reminded of my college years when I was offered the opportunity  to join The Weathermen and the Weather Underground.

Our version in the states was run by Marxist professors and Assemblyman Tom Hayden a communist from the People’s Republic of Santa Monica.

In the U.S. we were on training wheels on our tricycle with three flat tires.

They were legends in their own minds.

Tom Hayden was a hell of a baseball player, I had him on my team at Dodger Camp at Vero Beach, FL

He was married to Jane Fonda who still has Marxist/communists traits no mater the number of times she apologized.

I went out to dinner with the each year, Tom set the rules up front, he was there to play ball and not discuss politics or his wife.










Monte Python and the Holy Grail

Yep the kids of the day thought of them as being cool, the stole from the rich and gave to the poor.


The last of Red Army Faction terrorists come out of hiding to support themselves.

The last of Red Army Faction terrorists come out of hiding to support themselves


The last of Red Army Faction terrorists come out of hiding to support themselves

  • Tony Paterson Berlin
  • The Independent Online
  • The police “crime re-enactment” video that topped the bill on German TV’s equivalent of Crime Watch last Wednesday was more like a Monty Python sketch than a new and desperate bid to catch the last of Europe’s ultra-violent left-wing terrorists – a group still on the run from justice after more than 30 years.

    It showed three ageing urban guerrilla types, now pushing 60 or older, snapping together their Kalashnikov rapid fire assault rifles and an anti-tank grenade launcher, while simultaneously programming a sophisticated jamming device capable of blocking all mobile phone traffic within a radius of 60 yards.

    Clad in camouflaged military combat gear, their faces masked, the trio are shown storming an armored black VW cash transport van in a supermarket car park near Bremen one afternoon last June.

    “This is a hold up – get out !” screams one of the guerrillas as he sprays the van’s windows, sides and tyres with bullets.

    “We can’t open the doors – the system won’t allow it,” cry the two terrified security guards, now locked in their heavily armored and impenetrable van by its on-board security alarm system.


  • Ageing Baader-Meinhof gang sought after botched armed robbery

    The urban guerrilla raiders look at each other, apparently dumbstruck.

    They can’t open the security van doors and they have just realised that the supermarket’s surveillance cameras have caught their every movement on video.

    By now looking slightly ridiculous with their oversized battlefield weapons, they are seen meekly getting back into their blue Ford Focus getaway car and driving off empty-handed: a 1980s-style terrorist attack has just been effortlessly thwarted by second millennium technology.

    The Germans have a phrase for this: “Vorsprung durch Technik.”

    But the perpetrators of the failed van robbery last year, police revealed last week, were not the ordinary criminals they first supposed.


  • Please see the entire article below.

    Ernst Volker Staub, 61, Daniela Klette, 57, and Burkard Garweg, 47, were the last remaining “third generation” members of Germany’s home-grown Red Army Faction terrorist gang.

    Fingerprints and DNA traces found in their abandoned getaway car proved their identities beyond doubt.

    “They have reappeared, like strange terrorist phantoms from an organisation which officially threw in the towel 18 years ago,” Butz Peters, a lawyer and Red Army Faction expert told The Independent. “The police had virtually forgotten them, they have been living underground for years.”

    The Red Army Faction, or Baader Meinhof gang – as the left-wing urban guerrilla organisation was also known – terrorised Germany from the late-1960s onwards. Their declared war against “fascist imperialism” was driven by a conviction that capitalist West Germany was a US puppet state run by former Nazis.

    In the course of more than 30 years they murdered 30 people including leading bankers, industrialists and diplomats; they hijacked a Lufthansa plane; and they carried out hundreds of shootings and bomb attacks.

    Karl-Heinz Dellwo, 63, a former gang member who served a 21-year prison term for his part in an armed attack on the German embassy in Stockholm in 1975, said he was driven to join in the early-1970s – after being jailed for a year merely for squatting in a Hamburg house.

    “It’s difficult to imagine now, but an armed police anti-terror unit was used to evacuate the squat,” he said yesterday. “They fired shots. In those days the state was unforgiving, it wanted to break us. We feared there would be a return to fascism in Germany.”

    More than 200 people were injured by Red Army Faction violence. Not until 1998, years after the gang’s founders, Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof, had committed suicide in prison and other key figures had been caught and jailed, did the gang concede defeat and declare its “urban guerrilla project” over.

    And until last week, Germany’s police and justice authorities appear to have completely forgotten about the likes of Staub, Klette and Garweg – the last surviving members who have been on the run for 30 years.

    They are members of the so-called “third generation” of the gang which came into being in 1984, after leaders of the “second generation” such as Brigitte Mohnhaupt had been captured. Mr Dellwo said: “There would have never have been a ‘third generation’ if the German authorities had responded to Red Army Faction’s attempt to end what they were doing back then.










About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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4 Responses to Return of Germany’s Baader-Meinhof terrorist gang

  1. Pingback: J.C.Campbell | Return of Germany’s Baader-Meinhof terrorist gang | Brittius

  2. Pingback: J.C. Campbell | Return of Germany’s Baader-Meinhof terrorist gang |

  3. Brittius says:

    JC: Great article. Right up my alley. Young people today, have no clue about those people. Much of the federal counter-terror training uses both groups, the Red Brigade, and Baader Meinhof, as a core of the training. Those were some heady days.


  4. JAFC says:

    Just shoot the three bastards and close the book on the whole gang.


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