PRESIDENT and CEO Of Investment Firm Calls For Californians To Stop Trump’s Motorcade…Hello, Secret Service?

By Jim Campbell

March 12, 2018

Another unhinged, and potentially dangerous victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The struggle is real.

In doing so, Ross Gerber, wasn’t using his first amendment rights, he committed “Assault” of Assault and battery  according to the jurisdictional  penal codes.(Source)



In California, assault is not taken lightly. (Source)

After ally how quickly did they jump on the phony hate crimes bandwagon?

California led the nation in 1991 by enacting criminal sanctions for the violation of civil rights laws.


The laws provide enhanced sentences for those convicted of violent or threatening behavior based on race, gender, religion, age, disabilities or sexual preference.

The tougher penalties and higher civil awards were authored by Lockyer when he was Senate President Pro Tem of the California Legislature, Bill Lockyer . (Source)

Imagine tougher sentences because you happened to pop someone in a protected group.

I don’t have to look it up but can say with certainty, Muslims, using our Constitution and our court system have sued because they were Muslims.

Fortunately, so-called hate crimes are difficult to prove. (Source)

O.K., I did (Source)

Assault being the threat and battery is to follow through on the threat.

Since President Trump took office, California has been the epicenter of the resistance, home to countless protests, marches, impromptu airport rallies and, of course, commentary of various kinds on Facebook and Twitter.

But it’s all been done at a distance because Trump has avoided California. Until this week.

Trump will spend Tuesday and a bit of Wednesday in Southern California, visiting prototypes for the border wall he’s vowed to build in San Diego and attending a fundraiser on Los Angeles’ Westside. – LA Times

Ross Gerber is the Co-Founder, President and CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management.

He oversees Gerber Kawasaki’s corporate and investment management operations and is a frequent guest on CNN, CNBC, Fox Business News, and Reuters as well as a contributing writer for Forbes.

Ross Gerbee
He is ranked as one of the most influential investment advisors and Fintech innovators in America.
The Gerber Kawasaki team oversees $650 million of investments in technology, media, entertainment and communications companies for clients and the firm.

Gerber appeared on Fox Business News to talk about how he took advantage of the short plunge in Trump’s bullish stock-market. Gerber gushed to the Fox Business host:
“This [Trump’s] economy is phenomenal” and then doubled down on Trump’s successes by saying how much the tax cuts have helped the economy and the markets.
We are very bullish” about this market!”
See the entire article below.

Disrupting the Presidents Motorcade is not Civil Disobedience, it could be considered a threat to the President and unexpected consequences could occure.
And sounding more like a 1930’s Brown Shirt than an Investment manager, he also directly threatened to Dox and endanger private citizens:
“If you are hosting or attending the Trump fundraiser in LA we will identify who you are to the media and public.” 
He later deleted the tweet, but the Ladies at 100% Feed Up had the foresight to grab a screen shot.
Gerber called Trump supporters “scumbags” and speculated about who he believed would be hosting a Trump fundraiser:
“Trump will be in San Diego working on his wall and west LA getting money from scumbags.
We will find out who is doing the fundraiser and we will be there.
I bet Tom Barrack and his fraud company Colony are hosting.
I’ll find out where he lives. Come join me. #Resistance “This is an excellent example of the unhinged, pure hate and blind hypocrisy of some influential people in American society who stand to gain greatly from Donald Trump and America’s success, yet they fight it tooth and nail.
They continue to wade further into the deep end of the pool,  and without their water wings.

About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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3 Responses to PRESIDENT and CEO Of Investment Firm Calls For Californians To Stop Trump’s Motorcade…Hello, Secret Service?

  1. JAFC says:

    Just who the hell told Gerber that he speaks for ANYBODY in California outside of his circle of Yuppy fat cats?

    If his conspiracy to assault the President of the United States comes to pass, I hope they throw his smarmy ass into the general population at San Quentin.


  2. Brittius says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius.


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