Whoa: The Hillary Email-Server IT Scandal Just Took a Bizarre Twist

crew-22312Former State Department employee Bryan Pagliano was the person paid separately by Hillary Clinton to set it up and maintain her private “clintonmail.com” email system.

The announcement March 2nd that the Justice Department granted Pagliano immunity from prosecution is the most important development in the case since it began.

Clinton’s defenders have searched the dictionaries and encyclopedias to find a way to spin the FBI’s investigation of her conduct as secretary of state.




They’ve said it was an investigation into her private email system, but not of her.

They’ve said it’s not a criminal investigation and that it’s nothing more than a “security review.”

What nonsense.

The FBI doesn’t investigate email systems, it investigates what people communicated while using them. The FBI only investigates people’s conduct to determine if they have violated federal criminal law.

(The FBI doesn’t do security reviews except when they concern the conduct of FBI employees.)

The Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto wrote March, 3rd  about the odd lack of dissent among pols and pundits from the assumption that the Justice Department wouldn’t allow Clinton to be indicted purely on political grounds.

As has been written before, that assumption is almost certainly false.

Pagliano’s immunity agreement is a strong indication that several people, almost certainly including Clinton, will be indicted. (Source)

Let’s not let anyone kid us.

Ask yourself when was the last time one hundred and fifty FBI special agents spent many months on an investigation only to conclude that there wasn’t anything to prosecute, that they’d just sigh deeply and go home?

On the other hand,………………………………………………….

The chances of Bryan Pagliano giving the FBI any useful information are likely nil.

First, follow the money, the Clinton’s will likely pay him an amazing amount of money for his silence.

Second, he’s apparently not a complete dummy and doesn’t want to end up in a Clinton body bag.

Paging Vince Foster !!



by Ed Morrissey

March 25, 2016

State Dept managers “baffled” by Pagliano’s political appointment.

How did Bryan Pagliano, the tech who ran Hillary Clinton’s campaign IT efforts, end up with a political appointment to the State Department’s normally apolitical IT group?

According to Reuters, no one who worked with Pagliano ever found out, nor did they know of his moonlighting as the man who maintained Hillary’s personal e-mail server.

Those arrangements were made by a very familiar figure in the murky world of Hillary’s State Department — Patrick Kennedy, who oversaw security issues for State, including the security decisions that left the consulate in Benghazi fatally exposed:

Soon after Hillary Clinton’s arrival at the State Department in 2009, officials in the information technology office were baffled when told that a young technician would join them as a political appointee, newly disclosed emails show.

The technician, Bryan Pagliano, was running the off-grid email server that Clinton had him set up in her New York home for her work as secretary of state. But even as years passed, Pagliano’s supervisors never learned of his most sensitive task, according to the department and one of his former colleagues. …

The newly disclosed emails show Patrick Kennedy, the department’s under secretary for management, oversaw the hiring of Pagliano. But Clinton and the department continued to decline this week to say who, if anyone, in the government was aware of the email arrangement.

“There was no permission to be asked,” Clinton said earlier this month. State Department spokesman John Kirby declined to say whether this was correct, citing the ongoing inquiries.

patrick-kennedyIsn’t it amazing just how often Patrick Kennedy ends up in the middle of these stories?

Patrick Kennedy was Hillary’s “Fixer,” while she was with the State Department. (Source)

If there is one person to credit for Hillary Clinton dodging the bullet for her malfeasance and misfeasance at State Department it is a guy named Patrick Kennedy who is the Under Secretary for Management.

He is a career employee and arguably the most powerful single person in the State Department as he controls basically everything that happens there.

Entire article below.

Let’s not forget that the Accountability Review Board, assembled by State immediately after Benghazi, never bothered to interview Hillary or Kennedy while laying blame for the whole mess on lower-level career staffers at State. The two seem to be quite a pair when it comes to security — and lack thereof — at the State Department.

Why would Kennedy have taken an interest in an IT hire?

His brief at State as Undersecretary for Management does include a wide range of responsibilities: “people, resources, budget, facilities, technology, financial operations, consular affairs, logistics, contracting, and security for Department of State operations, and is the Secretary’s principal advisor on management issues.”

At that level, however, it seems surpassingly strange that Kennedy would take an interest in hiring one specific IT tech, especially in the context of a political appointment.

Apparently, Pagliano’s supervisors and co-workers found it strange as well. Did Kennedy have knowledge of Hillary’s e-mail arrangements, and if he did, why didn’t he enforce proper security — which was definitely within his sphere of responsibility?

Perhaps that’s one of the questions that the FBI is asking Pagliano, now that the Department of Justice has granted him immunity. Another might be whether Hillary lied about the timeline of the use of her secret e-mail server:


33639360The previously undisclosed February 2009 emails between Clinton from her then-chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, raise new questions about the scope of emails from Clinton’s early days in office that were not handed over to the State Department for record keeping and may have been lost entirely.

Clinton’s presidential campaign has previously claimed that the former top diplomat did not use her personal “clintonemail.com” account before March 2009, weeks after she was sworn in as secretary of State.

But on Thursday, the watchdog group Judicial Watch released one message from Feb. 13, 2009, in which Mills communicated with Clinton on the account to discuss the National Security Agency’s (NSA) efforts to produce a secure BlackBerry device for her to use as secretary of State.

The discovery is likely to renew questions about Clinton’s narrative about her use of the private email server, which has come under scrutiny.

Last year, news organizations reported that Obama administration officials had discovered an email chain between Clinton and retired Gen. David Petraeus that began before Clinton entered office and continued through to Feb. 1. The chain of emails began on an earlier email system that Clinton used while serving in the Senate, but was reportedly transferred on to the clintonemail.com server.

If Hillary lied about when she started using the server, what purpose would she have had to do so? Legally, there isn’t much difference between starting its use in February or March.

Maybe she just misremembered, but don’t forget that she and her team went through those records with a fine-tooth comb just prior to making the claim that the use started in March — deleting more than 30,000 messages from the system.

Perhaps this is nothing, or … perhaps she had hoped to keep some e-mail messages from her first weeks in office from ever coming to the attention of investigators. Given her track record of honesty thus far, the latter seems like a much safer assumption.



About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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7 Responses to Whoa: The Hillary Email-Server IT Scandal Just Took a Bizarre Twist

  1. Pingback: Whoa: The Hillary Email-Server IT Scandal Just Took a Bizarre Twist | Rifleman III Journal

  2. Rifleman III says:

    Pagliano has to do a complete dump on Hillary because her new diatribe can negate any deal with the feds and re-enter Pagliano as a target plus, anything he gave up becomes ADMISSABLE. He must now tell all, ASAP or, Hillary will place him in prison and possibly charged with Treason (not High Treason). Ten years or better on the line. Warm the dice up!


    • JCscuba says:

      My question, this has been known for a while, why haven’t they turned her into sausage yet. My guess, to not poison the jury pool. Need a jury of her peers? Pick the reprobates in congress.


      • Rifleman III says:

        Too quick and “witch hunt”, is broadcast or that political vendetta against her. Slow and methodical, results is a concise and thorough investigation. It also is slowed down due to undoubted DNC objections and their calls to BHO, but the FBI is doing it by the numbers. Collateral investigations subsequent to the initial criminal investigation are now full fledged satellite investigations (e.g. – Clinton Foundation; Each staff member of Hillary; et. ano), with the investigations having a life of its own and, the scope of the investigation, broadening. There is no immediate urgency (e.g. – not a life and death situation), therefore, slow and methodical, brings the target date to what I expect to be around late August before presentation to a federal grand jury and early October, an arraignment. Between now and that point in time, anticipate there will be more digging by the FBI, and more unearthed chargable material. It will cause anxiety in many people, and they will form the Conga line, to cut deals or face federal prison time. Pagliano,(Question: wouldn’t Obama pardon him?) is on the hot seat. If he does not completely cooperate, he becomes Hillary’s stooge and will get a minimum of ten years (no parole in the federal system). Huma, will most likely, go down in flames unless her husband smartens her up. BHO, if he does not cut Hillary loose as a damaged asset, will destroy his legacy.(Question: What legacy would that be? He’s already the biggest failure in “Residential” History) If BHO pardons Hillary, he will destroy his legacy. If Lynch defers prosecution, should Trump win and another USAG be installed, that USAG can, prosecute the case. Once that happens, it could open the door for other non-related BHO meddled affairs to be prosecuted (e.g. – Holder; Lerner; et.ano). (Question: Do you honestly think this is a probability or would a Republican president and a lily livered Republican led congress do anything? They haven’t done much but talk to date? Thanks for the comments, great ones, J.C.


  3. gruntt21 says:

    i wonder who’s next on that murdered list .???????


  4. Dave the Differentiator says:

    This email scandal of Hillary’s is just a part of the issue. The actual content of the hidden emails is the big prize here.

    An educated guess is that there is abundant written email evidence of Hillary’s acts of TREASON. Further, Obama is bound to be included in these email disclosures.

    Hillary is above all else a scoff-law and does not believe that she can be held accountable for her criminal actions.

    The various PAC funds flows and sources is another element of Hillary’s criminal behavior.

    THEN, there are all of Hillary’s accomplices – Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Obama, her chief of staff, the list is way long and makes the point – how do you get this many folks to learn the same lies?


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