Bill Clinton Completely Loses It: Tells Marine to shut up and sit down: Listen to my answer about Hillary’s lies on Benghazi

crew-22312Can there be a better example that the wheels are falling of Hillary’s campaign than the must see video below?


We must remember his diatribe was laid out before a campaign event for Hillary.

The country remains sharply divided and it seems the only legitimate hope to stay a constitutionally driven republic is for the Republicans to unite around one candidate.

12661883_1081489638562240_1833862635439715292_nAt this point it seems to be Mr. Donald J. Trump.

As for the soon to be indicted Hillary, her candidacy is about to come to screaming halt.  (Source)




The former president and habitual sexual predator would have never gotten away with this complete load of B.S. in front of republicans. 

il_214x170.462882207_bksl“Slick,” once again on the campaign trail to become “First Lady,” completely loses it when told by a the Marine and an unidentified woman to shut up and sit down.

Both were removed by local sheriffs.

Who paid for the security, the taxpayer, or the corrupt Clinton Money Laundering Foundation?

Watch the woman sitting in the row in front of the Marine cover her ears when he mentions Benghazi — that’s the liberal mindset in a nutshell. 


The Daily Caller

Kerry Pickett

February 27, 2016

The long hours and grueling pace of the presidential campaign may be finally catching up with a rapidly aging Bill Clinton.

During an appearance in Bluffton, South Carolina on Friday, a former Marine interrupted Clinton’s speech and asked him explain what Hillary was going to do about the VA.

“What do you think should be done with the VA?”Clinton said in a raspy voice, turning the question back on him and yielding the floor.“The thing is, we had four lives in Benghazi killed and your wife tried to cover it up,” the Marine responded, eliciting boos and jeers from the crowd.As the man continued to talk, audience members yelled at him to sit down. “Are you going to let me answer?” Clinton asked.

“This is America. I get to answer,” he said. “You listen to me. I heard you,” Clinton snapped as the man turned around and began addressing the crowd.

“I heard your speech. They heard your speech. You listen to me now,” Clinton said, his voice cracking.

“Am I allowed to answer? I’m not your commander-in-chief anymore but if I were, I’d tell you to be more polite and sit down.”

“I wouldn’t listen!” the man shouted in return.

“Do you have the courage to listen to my answer?

Don’t throw him out. Shut up and listen to my answer.

(Of course the sheriffs paid no head to the former president, likely because they knew he way lying as well.)

I’ll answer it,” Clinton said as the man was pushed out of the gymnasium by sheriff’s deputies.

“Can I just saying something?

That’s what’s wrong: his mind has been poisoned by lies and he won’t listen,” Clinton said. (Tell us more Slick)

A woman just jumped up and began shouting at the former president.

“Hillary lied over four coffins,” she said as a man near her yelled “Bullshit.”

“She lied and she lied to those families. So all those families are liars?” she said as Clinton tried to stop her and a Secret Service agent moved closer to the former president.

“Did she lie?” the woman said as Clinton responded, “Will you let me answer?”

“No,” he said. “Why are you afraid to listen to my answer?” Clinton said.

“Are you afraid?” he asked her. “No I’m not afraid because I know you’re going to lie,” she responded.

The video shows her then forcibly removed from the room. Clinton never did answer.

(Of course he didn’t he wouldn’t want us to get him confused with his lying wife)


About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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15 Responses to Bill Clinton Completely Loses It: Tells Marine to shut up and sit down: Listen to my answer about Hillary’s lies on Benghazi

  1. Northerngirl says:

    It amazes and saddens me that there are still people swigging deeply from the Clinton Kool-Aid container. After all the information on Hillary’s dirty dealings the only reason anyone would support her would be total ignorance and a willingness to blindly follow one’s party right to Hell.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. JAFC says:

    Hillary’s beginning to drag Bubba down into the Abyss along with her, isn’t she?

    Don’t ask folks like me to wave bye-bye.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Notice how the crowd STILL stood up for Bill? We must take a look at the IQ Scale.

    Below 70 is RETARDED. 100 is AVERAGE. 130 is GENIUS.

    Go sit in a mall and watch people. Keep in mind- -half the people you see are BELOW AVERAGE. Many of them VOTE.

    There are sub-categories. Many people with extremely high IQs have no COMMON sense! Few people are blessed with BOTH high IQ AND common sense. There is no real way to measure COMMON sense. I have known many below average IQ people who got by just fine because they had COMMON sense. Many people with extremely high IQs do not have the sense to pour pee out of a boot. My family and extended family are full of them. Several of them will stick with the Democrats no matter what. That is where Democrats get their leaders, the Dimwits smart enough to lead all the dumber Democrats down the road to HELL!

    You keep saying Hillary is GOING DOWN or GOING TO PRISON. All I can say is- – DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH! There are enough stupid people in positions of power to pull her fat out of the fire FOREVER!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ladybgoodde says:

    The MSM have played down any wrongdoings this administration is doing. They laugh and ridicule anyone that says different from their political masters. It’s all a big joke and a silly Right-wing conspiracy. You know those Tea Party types…will do anything to smear the good work our wonderful leaders have done. And Hillary, dear Hillary, did everything humanly possible to save those men in Benghazi and the tea party are a bunch of unappreciative rednecks.



    • JCscuba says:

      On the nails Ladybegoodde/badd.. Yep the Clinton’s didn’t ever do or take responsibility for anything. We have a spook in the White House now who plays by those rules. Enough with the socialist/progressive/Marxists in America. They are a bigger threat than Islam.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pamela says:

    The people booing and hissing at the Marine and the lady who had the guts to confront Bill Clinton with the truth ought to be ashamed of themselves. They are like a bunch of docile sheep being led to the slaughter.

    Liked by 1 person

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