Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Pro-Muslim Rhetoric Stems from Her Own Ties to a Pro-Terrorist Group

crew-22312This Obama tool was out of her mind when she proposed any thinking or writings that reflected negatively on her Chosen One’s belief system would hold up in the Supreme Court.


There was likely little vetting going on when Obama picked Loretta Lynch to be his nomination to fill the shoes of the “Always Eric-Holder-Fast-and-Furious-blood-on-handscorrupt Eric Holder.”

Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently said that the Department of (IN)Justice would stand with Muslims in the wake of the San Bernardino jihad attacks and stated this unequivocally.

“When we talk about the First Amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American.

They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.”

But beyond the fact that she has engaged in unconstitutional criminal activity, Lynch was also a part of a Jew-hating, Pro-Terrorist Harvard Group.

Perhaps waking up from a rough night on Obama’s crack pipe, she began to understand she was sounding as nuts as Obama.
Freedom Outpost

Untitled attachment 00087 Loretta Lynch was born in Greensboro, North Carolina (So Lynch is not African-American, she’s American, at least by birth.Having dark skin does not make you African.

My friend Andre De Villiers, who makes custom knives, is from Africa and is as white as can be!), Lynch “earned an A.B. from Harvard College, where she was an original member of Delta Sigma Theta, a newly formed African-American sorority chapter; another noteworthy original member was Sharon Malone, who subsequently went on to marry Eric Holder.”

However, Discover the Networks goes on to report, “After completing her undergraduate studies, Lynch in 1984 earned a J.D. from Harvard Law School, where she was a member of the Black Law Student Association.”

Well now, just what is the Black Law Student Association? Charles Johnson reports on the group during the years between 1981-1984 when Lynch was a member.

During those years the radical black group brought representatives from the Palestinian Liberation Operation (PLO).

The group’s leader, Mohammed Kenyatta, called for the “liberation of Palestine” and expressed support for the terrorist organization.

The BLSA defended bringing the terrorists in a letter to the editor of the Harvard student newspaper, The Harvard Crimson.

Jewish student organizations protested the speeches, especially in 1984. Liberal professor Alan Dershowitz joined the anti-PLO protests.

For documentation of the event, click here, here, here and here.

While the BLSA responded to the controversy in a letter to the editors of the Harvard Crimson, in an attempt to do damage control, the Crimson blasted the BLSA’s letter.

THE BLACK LAW STUDENTS ASSOCIATION (BALSA) committed an unjustifiable and discriminatory violation of student liberties last week when it denied Jewish students an opportunity to participate in a campus forum featuring a representative of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).

More than 30 Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA) members attended the panel discussion, outnumbering members of BALSA and the Third World Coalition, the event’s sponsors. But after opening the forum to questions from the floor, BALSA moderator Muhammad I. Kenyatta refused to recognize any of the white hands raised in the audience. BALSA and TWC members were to be given priority, he announced, proceeding to call on a Black student who hadn’t raised his hand.

We defend the PLO’s right to appear in an open forum at Harvard.
All groups have a right to present their views; had Kenyatta permitted all students to challenge the speaker with critical questions, the ensuing discussion might have provided a constructive exchange of ideas and opinions.
Entire article below.

By stifling debate, however, Kenyatta reduced the event to little more than a propaganda platform for a terrorist organization that has pledged to destroy the State of Israel. His refusal to open the floor to all students views showed a glaring disregard for the principles of free discussion that are vital to an enlightened academic community.

Moreover, Kenyatta’s actions are particularly disturbing in light of the apparently widening rift between Black and Jewish organizations at Harvard and nationwide. Longtime political allies, particularly on civil rights issues, these groups recently have traded bitter words on a variety of issues; it is regrettable that Kenyatta acted in a way that helps further drive this wedge between Blacks and Jews.

None of this should surprise us, as Lynch has not only tied herself to organizations that promote terrorism, but she has served alongside other criminals. Under President Bill Clinton, Lynch served as US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. During that time, from October 1994 to January 1998, Lynch was a partner with the Connecticut-based Ujamaa Investment Group. “Ujamaa” is a Swahili term signifying a commitment to the practice of “shared wealth” and a repudiation of economic inequality.

Lynch is as much a racist as Eric Holder and Barack Obama are. She believes that an enforcement of critical race theory is what is needed. By the way, keep in mind that she graduated from Harvard just like Hussein Obama, the same Harvard where Professor Derrick Bell, the racist man who produced critical race theory, taught.

Ms. Lynch has called Voter ID laws racist and has stolen over $900 million in asset forfeitures in 2013 alone, against the protections of the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution.

All of this is not only immoral, but anti-American.

To further make the point of associations in this administration, consider the Eric Holder even participated in an armed takeover of a former Columbia University ROTC office! And don’t forget the Michelle Obama, as well as Healthcare.gov creator’s Executive were also part of a racist college group that hosted a pro-terrorist speaker. Show me who your friends are and I’ll tell you what you are!

Lynch is a criminal just like Obama, Holder and the Clintons. She is a woman who cannot be trusted and yet, US Senators had all of this information, but many of them chose to confirm her, just like they did her predecessor Eric Holder, whom Congress held in contempt for his obvious obstruction of justice concerning Fast and Furious.

Marxists and Islamic sympathizers have it in for America, and there is no doubt that Loretta Lynch is among them. Now the question is, who in Congress will call for her impeachment and subsequent indictment? I’ll be the first among the people!

Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/12/loretta-lynchs-pro-muslim-rhetoric-stems-ties-pro-terrorist-group/#jFxSCPl71t1VAWMO.99

About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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9 Responses to Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Pro-Muslim Rhetoric Stems from Her Own Ties to a Pro-Terrorist Group

  1. Pingback: Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Pro-Muslim Rhetoric Stems from Her Own Ties to a Pro-Terrorist Group | Rifleman III Journal

  2. Dave the Differentiator says:

    This type of reasoning by the Attorney General of the United States of America sounds like TREASON to me.

    The First Amendment is clear that Freedom of Speech is free and Muslims are not a special class who get special treatment.

    The Mormon’s allowed men to marry multiple wives and that practice of multiple wives was made illegal. So just how do Muslims get around the law based on religious freedom?

    The laws that apply to people in America are to be applied equally to all people as required by the 14th Amendment.

    The Attorney must enforce the law or be IMPEACHED! There is no exception.

    The situation with the scofflaw Muslims needs to be corrected and Muslims are required to obey the laws here in America.


  3. Pamela says:

    Loretta Lynch is just one more angry, self-hating black woman with a HUGE chip on her shoulder. She is simmering with resentment because she was not born with white skin, yet, she hates the white race. The only reason why she became Attorney General of the United States is because she is Obama’s crony and like him, she hates America and like all hardcore liberals, she wants to see our nation destroyed through economic failure, social unrest, and now, random acts of terror against innocent American citizens, while appeasing her Muslim benefactors by threatening to make speaking out against Islam a crime.
    No one like her should ever be in a position of authority because she abuses her power for personal gain, again, just like Obama. I pray that the election of 2016 will bring a change of the guard in Washington DC, however, I truly believe that the only Person Who can save us now is God.


  4. No surprise, just another criminal over the U.S. Justice Department. She should be fired and sent to the watermelon patch.


  5. I agree with all the above comments. So sad to have this same type person
    in the office of this country.
    Just a few more months of this sorry administrations efforts to take down
    the nation. God help us.


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