Journalistic Midgets and Manufactured News

By Jim Campbell

December 1, 2017

One of the most pathetic features of today’s journalist wasteland is the non-ending stream of mindlessly dishonest hit pieces on Donald Trump, his family, and anyone in his administration.



Unlike in years past where this kind of stuff was relegated to hyper-partisan writers at self-identified leftist media outlets, today it passes for mainstream journalism.

Take this story from the journalistic midget’s at Newsweak Newsweek:


This intrigued me because plagiarizing yourself is one of the few things that is actually impossible to do:


We can argue whether Ivanka should have used parts of campaign stump speech at this event, but to call it plagiarism is an exercise in slander because Newsweek knows that recycling your own material without attribution is not an issue to anyone who is not trying to manufacture and scandalized an issue, as weak an issue as it is no less. 




Newsweek is a rag not worth reading.
Newsweek plans complete makeover to fit a smaller audience.
The best way to do that is  by making Ivanka Trump its editor with a weekly bi-partisan column
How small does it have to be before its owner, the Washington Post, also a purveyor of fake news shuts its doors?
Newsweek loses money, and the consensus within its parent, the Washington Post Company, and among industry analysts, is that it has to try something big. The magazine is betting that the answer lies in changing both itself and its audience, and getting the audience to pay more  (Source)

H/T Konan The Bar Barron

About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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