Iran ready to give U.S. a ‘slap in the face’ to President Trump

crew-2231211Irans pathetically driven is out saber-rattling again.


Apparently, they have failed to comprehend the difference a failed leader and his continuous threats between President Trump who with the advice of his direction from his military leaders may just turn Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities into an unusable area of radioactive land while destroying Iran’s capability to refine oil at the same time.

Simultaneously embargoing the rogue nation and biggest support of terrorism on the planet if they don’t  cool the rhetoric, they may be in fact, destined to eat sand.




By Dubai newsroom; Editing by Sami Aboudi and Alison Williams

February 22m 016


The United States should expect a “strong slap in the face” if it underestimates Iran’s defensive capabilities, a commander of the elite Revolutionary Guards said on Wednesday, as Tehran concluded war games.

Since taking office last month, U.S. President Donald Trump has pledged to get tough with Iran, warning the Islamic Republic after its ballistic missile test on Jan. 29 that it was playing with fire and all U.S. options were on the table.

 The video, directly below, published last week.


It’s a safe bet that most Iranians are far more concerned with the Mullah’s controlling their lives then they are with what methods President Trump’s negotiations will use in dismantling Obama’s failed and completely useless plan.

If Obama had a clue how to negotiate with the Iranian Mullah’s he failed to so.

Now is advice to President Trump from Obama worth listening to?  Of course not.

President Trump has far more important things to do than listening to Obama who is currently

“The enemy should not be mistaken in its assessments, and it will receive a strong slap in the face if it does make such a mistake,” said General Mohammad Pakpour, head of the Guards’ ground forces, quoted by the Guards’ website Sepahnews.

On Wednesday, the Revolutionary Guards concluded three days of exercises with rockets, artillery, tanks, and helicopters, weeks after Trump warned that he had put Tehran “on notice” over the missile launch.

“The message of these exercises … for world arrogance is not to do anything stupid,” said Pakpour, quoted by the semi-official news agency Tasnim.

“Everyone could see today what power we have on the ground.” The Guards said they test-fired “advanced rockets” and used drones in the three-day exercises which were held in central and eastern Iran.

As tensions also mounted with Israel, a military analyst at Tasnim said that Iran-allied Hezbollah could use Iranian-made Fateh 110 missiles to attack the Israeli nuclear reactor at Dimona from inside Lebanon.

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said last Thursday that his group, which played a major role in ending Israel’s occupation of Lebanon, could strike Dimona.

“Since Lebanon’s Hezbollah is one of the chief holders of the Fateh 110, this missile is one of the main alternatives for targeting the Dimona installations,” Hossein Dalirian said in a commentary carried by Tasnim.

Iran says its missile program is defensive and not linked to its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. During the U.S. election race, Trump branded the accord “the worst deal ever negotiated”, telling voters he would either rip it up or seek a better agreement.



About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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6 Responses to Iran ready to give U.S. a ‘slap in the face’ to President Trump

  1. malenurseken says:

    I’m in favor. Eat sand IRAN




  3. Muslims need to abandon Allah. God is not a sparkling being. God has feet looking like fine brass. God has eyes looking like a fame of fire. God has a sword of light coming out of his mouth. God has horns of light coming out of his hands. That is where he hides his power. That is not a sparkling being. Religon is good or it is evil. It will be defiled or undefiled. There is one master or the others. One will seek truth. Another will hate the truth. There is God or The sparkling one, Satan.  Allah in the Quran calls himself a sparkling being.  Muslims need to know that God is not discribed in Ezekiel 28:13 ►15 KJV. That is not a king either. There were no kings in the Garden of Eden.  We are the Human race. Muslims will not teach that.  Many religions makes a Muslim think that they are at the top. They that are perceived to be below them don’t deserve to live to a Muslim.


    • JCscuba says:

      If they were a thinking lot they would have figured this out long ago. What to Muslims add to the world?
      Those who convert in the U.S. are wondering candidates of the “Stockholm Syndrome.”


  4. Pingback: Iran ready to give U.S. a ‘slap in the face’ to President Trump | zooforyou

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