After Tuesday Night’s Trumpnado, Does Cruz Still Stand a Chance?

crew-2231211Apparently Ms. Sonya Sasser has relied on yesterday’s news clippings and drinking to much of Cruz’s Kool Aid.


Donald Trumps ground game has been fully in swing.


Tim Clark, hand-picked by Republican front-runner Donald Trump this week to be his new California political director, told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview Wednesday evening,

Trump campaign has “already outmatched” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the Golden State.

“I’ve only been on the job for the past 24 hours,” Clark said, “but it is a large, grassroots, unstoppable, momentous movement that is elevating Donald Trump in the state.”



Donald Trump: “We’ve run one of the great campaigns ever”

Director Clint Eastwood Just Made a “HUGE” Announcement About Donald Trump!


We know that Clint Eastwood is a true patriot who makes bold, pro-American films. “American Sniper” – the box office smash hit about NAVY Seal Chris Kyle – has been viewed by millions around the world.

Now, Clint Eastwood has shared his opinion on Donald Trump in a huge way.
Not only does Eastwood support him, but he’s speaking on behalf of Trump in California, Arizona, and Nevada! (Source)

On Monday, Cruz’s own California political director, former state GOP chair Mike Schroeder, speculated that the Trump campaign would fail to find enough delegates to fill three slots in each of the state’s 53 congressional districts by the May 8 deadline.

Clark told Breitbart News that the Trump campaign would easily meet that deadline.

“We’ve got a list of about a thousand people who would love to be delegates for Donald Trump,” he said, noting that the campaign was “vetting these names very carefully.”

He added: “Based on what I know of what’s happening in California, the organic Trump for President movement has already outmatched the organized, paid Cruz for President effort, and I feel very strongly we’re going to be able to leverage the Trump for President volunteers into even greater activities, so I’m not worried about it.”

Clark called the Trump campaign in California “a large, grassroots, unstoppable, momentous movement that is elevating Donald Trump in the state.”


Entire article below.

When asked which districts the campaign would be targeting, Clark said the campaign considered every one of them to be competitive: “We’ve got 53 districts that are in play.

We have the task of building 53 different campaign plans for each of those districts–which we’re doing. And we intend to contest every single one of those … we believe we can win all 53 and take home 172 delegates.”

See entire article below.

Some analysts suggest that the Trump campaign could struggle in California, given that its presidential primary is “closed” — i.e. that only registered Republicans can participate. Clark seemed unfazed by the challenge that posed to a campaign that has relied elsewhere on crossover voters.

“We’ll have a lot of voters re-register,” he said. “We’ve had in the state for the last two decades an exodus from the Republican Party to “decline to state” to non-partisan, and those Republicans have been dispirited because there hasn’t been movement on our issues, our core issues, in Washington D.C., which is fiscal conservatism.

“We’re sending the message to them that it’s time for these Republicans to come on home and re-register back in our party, because we have a candidate that’s going to finally get the job done,” he said.

Clark added that he expected high turnout. “Well, it’s an exciting time, it’s an exciting campaign. I’ve been in this business 22 years, and I haven’t seen a lot that has energized and excited Republicans, and it’s nice to have excitement back on our side. That excitement is being generated for Donald Trump. It’s a momentous time.”

Trump announced Wednesday that he will deliver the kickoff address for the California Republican Party convention on April 29. Cruz and Ohio governor John Kasich are also addressing the convention.

Clark said: “This is the first of many announcements of Trump visits to California.”


Apr 28 2016
By, Sonya Sasser

No doubt, Tuesday was a YUGE night for Donald J. Trump.

As predicted, he swept the five Northeastern states13102846_10153964409865673_2633695274214736085_n-800x450 of Connecticut, Maryland, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. That should put him in the neighborhood of 945 to 960 delegates in the pursuit of 1,237.

However, things are not looking quite as rosy for Mr. Trump as the GOP race moves into the month of May.

The Resurgent claims: (Perhaps the so-called “Resurgent.” should go back to his corner and take another whiff of smelling salts.)

“He’s not going to win Indiana. Trust me on this one. Internals matter, public polling (as we have witnessed over and over again since January) does not. (Why should we trust you?)

If Trump wins 9 delegates in Indiana, that’s a good day for him. Sure, he might win a majority of the delegates out of West Virginia on May 10th to get in the neighborhood of 960 delegates. Then what? Nebraska? Forget about it.

Those 36 all go to Cruz. Oregon? Yes, I am fully aware of the Cruz-Kasich detente regarding Oregon, but the majority of the delegates there are not going to Trump. The same in Washington State where most of its 44 delegates go to Cruz.

Montana and South Dakota? Cruz country. Trump will not win one of the 56 delegates from those two states combined.

New Mexico? Proportional and the latest poll had Trumpup 2 points over Cruz with Kasich trailing badly. The game there is still afoot.

 New Jersey-Trump will take all 51 (and no one will care). (Seriously, LOL)

And then the finale in California with 172 delegates. At this stage of the game, Trump likely be at or just past 1,050 delegates. Does 1,050 plus 172 get him to 1,237? No. Will he win 172 delegates in California? No.”

Entire article below.


The Republican battle looks like it will continue and most likely won’t end in May either, when the voters of Indiana, Oregon, and Washington also cast their ballots.

In fact, the bloody 2016 fight will probably carry on until the polls close in California on June 7. Then we will finally know for certain if Senator Cruz was able to stop Donald J. Trump, and whether or not we are headed into a contested convention. Unlike most GOP primaries, this race is most certain to go the long haul. And the longer it continues, the better it looks for Senator Cruz, even in California.

As Breitbart reports:

“California is a winner-take-all-by-district contest: 159 delegates will be awarded – three to the top-vote-getter in each of the state’s 53 Congressional Districts, with the ten statewide delegates and the voters of the three California RNC members going to the statewide plurality winner. 

To stop Trump, Cruz will likely need significantly less than half of California’s delegates, as Trump needs to win over 50% of the remaining 622 delegates, and the map ahead for the reality-TV celebrity isn’t as friendly as it was yesterday.

Which takes us to the reality of the California political landscape, where statewide polling might be a decent indicator of how the 13 statewide delegate votes are likely to go, but the district-by-district showdown is a much different story.

There are two major reasons why recent surveys showing the Trump has a lead in California don’t hold up under scrutiny.

The first is that these polls are not broken down by district, but by region. In fact, the number of respondents to the surveys aren’t even a small sliver of the number that would be needed to predict voter opinions in 53 U.S. House seats. You would need hundreds of surveys completed in each seat. As an anecdotal example, the April Field poll, a very reputable public opinion survey released periodically, had only 588 interviews with likely GOP voters statewide — barely ten per district, on average.

The second reason to distrust the polls is that California has a huge number of ultra-liberal House districts where mere thousands of Republican voters in each will be deciding three delegate votes. You could not accurately survey this small number of GOP voters even if you wanted to – other than perhaps going out and interviewing each resident of the district.

In the Golden State, the factors that will truly matter will be smart voter contact and grassroots organization. In both of these areas, the Cruz campaign is well positioned relative to Trump.

The former has been significantly invested in smart campaigning, targeting resources, and running a tight, smart campaign using the latest advances in voter identification.

Cruz has been using voter contact tools ranging from social media targeting to geofencing. (Yesterday’s News)

On the district level, these kinds of tactical considerations matter. And as for grassroots organization, the Cruz campaign has built an impressive armada all around the state, with an organizational structure and grassroots leaders in literally all 53 House districts.”

Choosing Carly Fiorina as his running mate will also likely help bolster Cruz’s numbers in the Golden State.

Bottom line:  While Donald Trump (and the mainstream media) is already referring to himself as the “presumptive nominee,” this GOP brawl is far from over, and he hasn’t quite yet earned the title.



The End

About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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1 Response to After Tuesday Night’s Trumpnado, Does Cruz Still Stand a Chance?

  1. Dave the Differentiator says:

    As the Primary Election has progressed it has caused more and more detailed information to become known about the remaining two candidates. Trump and Cruz are now in the final approach to the Candidate Runway and it looks to me as if Cruz is desperate and trying strange measures to get votes.

    I have been expecting to see Cruz get Hillary to endorse him! The man needs to look at the bigger picture and recognize what the people want – TRUMP.

    The Voters have spoken and they what change away from the status quo, change away from the corruption and insider dealing.

    The Voters want to have representation in Congress and the Whitehouse.

    The America people do not understand or like this massive spending that Government has created.

    The American people want voter ID and to get illegal immigrants out of our country.

    TRUMP has struck a nerve with the American Voter and he is going to win !



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