Welcome to the 90’s. Crime Is Back: Will the Spike in Help the GOP?

crew-22312Crime is but one thing the Democrats have to be concerned.

Their major problem for the upcoming election is fielding a credible candidate for president.

While the Republican are in the midst of going after one another, they have a very deep bench.


The Democrats on the other hand have no credible candidates.

Does the country need an avowed socialist like Bernie Sanders to turn the country around economically?

The answer is clearly NO.

Hillary Clinton, a pathological liar and psychopath among her many problems?

That would be a double dose of Hell No !

crime1To answer the question in the headline, of course it will help the republicans if they play their cards right with target specific messaging.
Crime in America


The Daily Beast

September 7, 2015

High crime is good for Republican political prospects and, with murder rates increasing nationwide, that should have Democrats worried about 2016.

From New York to Chicago, Baltimore to New Orleans, and Milwaukee to Dallas, the hydra-headed scourges of crime, murder, and mayhem have returned.

And as the country hurdles towards 2016, this grim reality could prove to be a political nightmare for the Democrats. But, for the Republicans, crime represents a well-trodden pathway to power.

Let me explain.

As in 1968, crime again stands to dislodge the Democrats from the White House, in the same way that in 1988 crime helped propel George H.W. Bush to Ronald Reagan’s third term.

Look around—history can repeat itself.

This past week, three men gunned down police Lt. Joe Gliniewicz in the President’s adopted home state of Illinois, even as people were mourning the execution-style killing of Darren Goforth, a Harris County Texas Sheriff’s Deputy.

Yet Obama and his party appear helpless, hostages to the same demographic forces they courted, and then rode to power.

Having staked their future on the volatile axes of race and income, the Democrats are now witnessing crime reemerge as a campaign issue, and they are out-of-touch and ill-prepared, to say the least.

Would we expect and You Tube’s of Obama’s lack luster performance to be available on the net five days later?

Forgot about it, they have been swept clean.

While America’s law-abiding taxpaying middle class was looking at all this in horror, the best that Obama could muster was a statement that, “Targeting police officers is completely unacceptable, an affront to civilized society,”He made a disingenuous  phone call to Deputy Goforth’s widow.”

Obama’s response felt nonchalant, lacking the urgency of now that the Justice Department poured into Ferguson.

Entire article below.

Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee was spending its time and political capital on a resolution embracing the Black Lives Matter movement. Even in the midst of the blood and the din, it was all about the base.

As the The New York Times reported, murder is up 76 percent in Milwaukee, 60 percent in St. Louis, 56 percent in Baltimore, and 44 percent in D.C. Blue America is awash in red.

In what must have been a shock to the DNC, Black Lives Matter, however, replied with a “no thank you”. Instead, it let it be known that “True change requires real struggle, and that struggle will be in the streets and led by the people, not by a political party.”

Translation: the summer of 2016 season may be more memorable for what happens on the streets of Cleveland and Philadelphia than inside the convention halls. The ghosts of Chicago and the 1968 Democratic Convention are once again alive, and ready to haunt.

For the Republicans, crime is quickly becoming a campaign issue. Just days ago, Sen. Ted Cruz took direct aim at the White House for the latest killing spree. According to Cruz, Cops are feeling the assault “from the president, from the top on down as we see … Whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore, the response of senior officials of the President, of the Attorney General, is to vilify law enforcement.”

Cruz is not alone in honing in on crime. Donald Trump and Jeb Bush are also sparring over who is tougher. Trump released a video which spliced together the former Florida governor’s description of some illegal immigration as an “act of love” with the mug shots of three illegal aliens who have been charged with or been convicted of murder.

Bush then punched back by reminding the public of Trump’s past support for Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and drug legalization. As the Bush campaign put it, “While Donald Trump was still supporting liberal, soft-on-crime politicians, Jeb Bush accumulated an eight-year record of cracking down on violent criminals as governor of Florida.”

Suddenly, the Democrats are playing defense as our cities have turned into shooting galleries. Against a blizzard of crime videos, Hillary Clinton’s exhortation in April, that “we should make sure every police department in the country has body cameras to record interactions between officers on patrol and suspects,” is looking both naïve and opportunistic.

Oh, and in case anyone forgot, it was Bill Clinton, who as president, toughened the federal anti-crime laws that have now led to “mass incarceration.” It was also Bill Clinton who left the 1992 campaign trail to preside over the execution of Ricky Ray Rector for the murder of Robert Martin, a Conway, Arkansas police officer. Heck, it was Clinton who took Sister Souljah to task for advocating that blacks kill whites.

To be sure, crime has real sway as a campaign rallying cry. As John J. Pitney Jr., a professor of government at Claremont McKenna College, told the Daily Beast, “When crime goes up, it’s not the economic and social elites who notice first. They live in nice suburbs, gated communities, or well-guarded apartment buildings.”
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Rather, according to Pitney, it’s the folks scraping by who first feel crime’s sting. The “the people on the front line are the people who aren’t so well off. They live in the neighborhoods where you have to watch your step. And they’re the ones least able to bear the consequences of a burglary or robbery.”

Pitney is dead on. As the The New York Times reported, murder is up 76 percent in Milwaukee, 60 percent in St. Louis, 56 percent in Baltimore, and 44 percent in D.C. Blue America is awash in red.

For today’s Democrats’ upstairs-downstairs coalition these are hard lessons to absorb. Polls are already showing that Clinton is barely getting little more than one-third of the white vote, and in a statistical dead heat with the leading Republicans. When prospective Democratic nominee Martin O’Malley gets booed for saying that all lives matter, our nation has a problem.

Over the past half century, crime has helped elect two Republicans as president. In 2016, crime may elect a third.


About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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6 Responses to Welcome to the 90’s. Crime Is Back: Will the Spike in Help the GOP?

  1. Brittius says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius.


  2. Dave the Differentator says:

    Interesting phrase – The Whitehouse! Will the black activists demand a change in the name to a less offensive one which does not include any reference to “color”?

    The so-called native Americans have demanded that all references to them be eliminated. Witness the Washington Redskins. We have yet to hear from the Woman’s groups about the Oregon Beavers name.

    No telling what Obama , Sharpton and that crowd of radicals might demand next.

    Elections tend to bring out the strangest analogies about such non-sense! BUT, we all know that facts are not required for Democratic demands and claims. Otherwise, these fools would not be demanding gun control. There are no statistics that support gun control, instead all of the valid statistics prove gun control simply does not work and crime statistics are one sure indicator.


    • JCscuba says:

      The federal government has no say in what a state school chooses to call it’s team. Are we going to change the name of cities? Streets? There’s a Blackhawk street in Santa Clara CA. Indians didn’t care about it, we called it Black Cock. P.C. and it’s lemming followers suck.


  3. In another generation our president will live in THE RAINBOW HOUSE.


  4. Pamela says:

    The only Person who can save America now is God.
    The question remains, Will He save America?
    Every major world empire of the past that embraced homosexuality and other perversions has been regulated to the dust bin of history, their glory forgotten, the evidence of their existence found only in crumbling ruins.
    Will this be America’s fate too?
    I pray not.


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