Benghazi Family Member 3 Years Later: Unanswered Questions

crew-22312As  more questions unfold those investigating Benghazi are no where close to the truth.

Will this become one of the major cover ups of all time?

It is known now that Valeri Jarett, gave the orders for the troops to stand down and not join the battle.


To do something so idiotic would have required knowledge on her behalf that the entire event were staged.

If not how could she or other White House minions known for certain when the attack would have ended?

They couldn’t and that’s where the entire made up story falls apart.


PolitiChicks.comSept 11th is a date which will live in infamy in the vast American consciousness.

For me, and other students of history, September 11th marks the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.

But as a person the date of September 11th has two memories and two levels of infamy. For September 11, 2015 will mark the third anniversary of the Benghazi attacks that lead to the murders of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

Sean Smith was my nephew by his marriage.

He was a great family man and a dedicated servant to this country.

He deserved far better and his death is a continuing shadow on our family’s heart. September 17, 2014 is also the one year anniversary of the first Benghazi Select Committee Hearing.

From December 2012 thru April 2014, I worked tirelessly on petitioning Congress, House Speaker Boehner, and other government officials requesting an establishment of a bipartisan Select Committee that would get to the bottom of Benghazi.

See entitle article below.

This was accomplished by hundreds of phone calls, letters, e-mails, and the efforts of many fellow citizens who also wanted the facts.

It also required hundreds of hours of research and analysis to understand what happened in Benghazi.

Many of my questions have been answered. But I still have several questions that the Benghazi Select Committee needs to address.

  1. What was the national security crisis that was facing America from Libya that we needed to participate in an illegal regime change?
  1. Why was there such a lack of security at the US diplomatic outpost in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 and why did Hillary Clinton actually reduce the amount of security?
  1. Why was no military aid sent and who gave the stand down order?
  1. What did Mrs. Clinton discuss with president Obama the night of the attack?
  1. It has been confirmed by Catherine Herridge that Hillary Clinton knew about the gun running operations from Libya to Syria in 2011. When Hillary Clinton testified on January 23, 2013 she denied any knowledge of such an operation. Will the Benghazi Select Committee challenge Hillary Clinton on her previous testimony?

By 2011, Gaddafi was a 4th tier dictator and was actually jailing members of al-Qaeda. Libya was actually prospering as a country. He was no major threat to America. Yet, President Obama and our Nato “allies” decided it was time to institute an illegal, without Congressional approval, regime change.

America gave 400 tons of weapons to Islamic extremist rebels that included members of the February 17th Brigade and a group later identified as ISIS. Additionally, operatives who were linked to Egyptian President Morsi provided tactical support to the rebels later known as the Benghazi attackers.

This action may have been without the approval of congress, but not without their knowledge. Senator John McCain was directly involved in arms negotiations with Islamic extremists and Syrian rebels. Additionally House Speaker John Boehner knew exactly what we were doing in Libya.

Kristi Rogers, wife of former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, ran a private military contracting firm that was involved in recruiting security in the region, including Libya. This is one many reasons why Chairman Rogers and Speaker Boehner were so opposed to the establishment of an independent Benghazi Select Committee.

When Gaddafi was murdered, Libya was thrown into chaos. The jail doors were opened and the Arab Spring became the al-Qaeda Winter. This chaotic atmosphere lead directly to the Benghazi attacks.

Considering the importance of the September 11th anniversary to Islamic extremists it is absolutely inexcusable that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did not provide, and actually reduced the amount of security personnel, in the US diplomatic outpost in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. Evil is as evil does. The arrogance, incompetence, and narcissism of Hillary Clinton lead directly to the deaths of four Americans. Now many of the Benghazi attackers are members of ISIS.

The first rule of military protocol is to never leave anyone behind. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, and the Obama administration, have a lot to answer for and Panetta directly lied to Congress when he said assets were not available. Assets were available in that region and should have been deployed at least sometime in the 13 hour attack. And I ask again: Who gave the stand down order? Where was President Obama? Why no consequences for the Obama administration regarding the illegal gun running operation form Libya to Syria? I still have unanswered question and prayers regarding Benghazi as we approach the third anniversary.

I pray that we elect a President in 2016 who has a moral compass, who doesn’t arm and fund our enemies, who does not overthrow heads of state because they oppose a new world order, and who does not operate in the shadows of the Oval Office.

I pray for justice for my nephew Sean Smith, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.

Lastly, I pray that President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, and all those involved in the events that lead to the Benghazi attack are held accountable for their criminal acts. The lesson of Benghazi is that both political parties share the guilt.


About JCscuba

I am firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. This site covers politics with a fiscally conservative, deplores Sharia driven Islam, and uses lots of humor to spiceup your day. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the progressive movement. Obama nearly destroyed our country economically, militarily coupled with his racism he set us further on the march to becoming a Socialist State. Now it's up to President Trump to restore America to prominence. Republicans who refuse to go along with most of his agenda RINOs must be forced to walk the plank, they are RINOs and little else. Please subscribe at the top right and pass this along to your friends, Thank's I'm J.C. and I run the circus
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5 Responses to Benghazi Family Member 3 Years Later: Unanswered Questions

  1. They should all hang!


  2. omanuel says:

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  3. Pamela says:

    During his 2011 State of the Union address, President Obama glibly announced to the nation, ” American Muslims are a part of our American family.”
    I had to turn off the television at that point, but not before I witnessed Senator John McCain jumping to his feet with a big stupid grin on his face, clapping his hands with the other enthusiastically applauding useful idiots at the president’s words.
    I think he lost the 2008 election on purpose.
    What many viewers did not know was conveniently seated just off camera that night was a contingent of especially invited VIP’s, or representatives of CAIR (Council On American Islamic Relations.)
    Less than three weeks later, the up-until-that-point mediocre “Arab Spring” or “Days of Rage” or whatever the media chose to call it erupted like a firestorm across North Africa and later in Egypt, Yemen, and Syria. It was almost as if Obama’s endorsement of Islam in America was like a “green light” signal.
    But to whom was he signaling?
    Fast forward to September, 2012.
    Only three days before the attacks on our embassies in Benghazi and Cairo, Ambassador Chris Stevens was in Vienna where he spoke to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the telephone. I am not sure what their conversation was about, but if she had even an inkling that the embassy in Benghazi was about to be attacked and our staff there could be injured or killed, why didn’t she tell Ambassador Stevens to stay put and work to evacuate the other three men from Libya before the trouble started?

    Because she knew it was going to happen.

    Hillary must have suspected that Chris Stevens and the three other men had probably figured out, or were on the verge of finding out, that their duplicitous government was not only involved in the gun-running operation to Syria, but, had helped in a major way to orchestrate the rise and the return of the nefarious Muslim Brotherhood throughout North Africa and the Middle East.
    Because she and Obama and the rest of their ilk would have been exposed big time as the treasonists they are by consorting with the enemies of the American people, Ambassador Stevens and the three other men were left to their horrible fate in Benghazi.

    Dead men tell no tales.

    Qaddafi was also taken out by our government, and not for the reasons we were given by the news media. He knew that the Obama Administration was in cahoots with the forces of the Muslim Brotherhood overrunning his country and the rest of the region.
    There had never been any love loss between Colonel Qaddafi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Although he initially applauded their assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981, for many years the wily old dictator regularly imprisoned and killed members of this radical religious sect when he caught them trying to stir up trouble in his country.
    Under the regime of Hosni Mubarak, the members of the Brotherhood captured and imprisoned after the killing of Sadat, were later executed for their crimes.
    These people have long memories.
    The year 2011 was payback time, although both Qaddafi and Mubarak probably had no idea that the present government of the United States of America would be involved behind the scenes in aiding and abetting their enemies.

    At least this is what I think.

    Tea & Sympathy With America’s Enemy

    Liked by 1 person

    • JCscuba says:

      Excellent well thought out and researched post Pamela, again you are on the nails, I and the members of our site appreciate your comments. Thanks. J.C.


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